Letters from Korea [2 November 2005]

Subject: hi.. richard!! sorry to write you this late
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005

hi.. richard!!
it's been a long time..
and again.. i'm really sorry for the last answer...
i think that i should write you an email.. almost everyday..
but it's not easy to do it as i think...
lately.. i feel like time really flies..
a day ends so soon although i don't finish what i planned yet..
by the way..
you seem like you enjoyed your trip to europe very much..
when you talked about what you experienced in the graveyard... i was
i think that you two must have strong emotional connection...
and thanks for the photos that you sent me...
looking at the sculptures in the photo... i really wanted to see them
i guess i feel like i'm talking to the people who lived long time ago
through the sculptures..
looking forward to the same experience that you had in front of an
and as you said.. the sculptors are gone.. but the sculptures are
i would feel really curious how they survived.. overcoming everything
as natural disaster or war...
i think you had enough time to look around the Louvre..
my sister who has been to paris told me that it takes a long time to see
the artworks there..
when she went there.. she didn't have much time.. so she saw only a
which are well known.. such as Mona Lisa..
did you send the images from the national gallery in london that you
me before?
i'm afraid you couldn't.. because my mailbox is almost full...
i think i should save the images that you sent me on my computers..
photo files are too big.. so i can't leave them on my mailbox..

as i told you before.. i moved to the new place..
it's a two bedroom apartment and larger than the place where i used to
if you have any chance to visit korea.. you should come and stay in our
here.. it's less crowded than my neighbours..
where i used to be before i move here.. it's next to downtown.. so it's
crowded with people.. especially with college students.. (in that area..
there are four universities)

i believe it's raining much in vancouver.. as always...
is it still gloomy and cold?
when it gets dark on a rainy day here.. i think of the streets that we
to walk.. near harbour center and china town..is everything same since
i miss everything in vancouver especially this time of year...
maybe it is because i spent much time with you...
bye for now...
miss you so uch...
and i like to think Amber as my niece.. ^_^

korean art