Showers of Midnight Stardust (links to pages)
The first outline, of many, I made for this project was at
an upstairs table in the old library on Burrard, sometime in
1988. The idea was to put together a small book of Vancouver
photographs, with text of an historical, nostalgic nature;
hence 'Stardust' in the title.
Being in the pre-digital era, most of the photos were taken
on Kodachrome and Ektachrome film, with a Pentax ES II, and
a Kodak Instamatic Reflex which used the old 126 cartridges.
The oldest photo in this collection is the shot of Eaton's
department store under construction, on a summer evening in
1971. I was 17 at the time, and it was just a few weeks
after the death of Jim Morrison.
Most of the drawings for the book were done over a three
or four month period in 1995, and were based on photos
in the collection of the Vancouver City Archives.
As with the drawings, most of the text was developed
from the copious volumes of information in the City Archives.
Quite often during research, one comes across conflicting
information regarding certain events. Hopefully, what was
used in these pages is the information which was accurate.