17th (Thursday)
Talking to Melinda for a minute or
two. Photos of Michelle for the
portrait, & then downtown to develop
the prints. Met Nicky on Georgia,
then on to Comox where Shari was
sleeping under various colored
blankets. Woke her. Told me she'd
been dreaming. So tired
18th (Friday)
UBC, Botanical Gardens with
Heather. Tea break at Starbucks,
& late lunch at Student Union
At Opus buying paper for the
portrait, met Hiroko who was
getting supplies to do another ten
pictures, for a show she's having
at Alma & 4th on June 2nd. Gave
her my email & web address. She
was very charming, & encouraged
me to read the story of the man
who designed the Japanese gardens
at UBC. Visited Shari at 2East. A
girl in hospital green, with two
bushy pigtails riding an exercise
bike, listening & singing along
to Pink. To do a portrait of her
would be exquisite. Sitting
next to Shari in the smoking
room. A tear from her eye
running down my cheek, as a
strange guy sat down on the
other side of me, talking in a
coarse sort of whisper
19th (Saturday) [Girl from Mexico City]
Darcy at London Drugs telling me
she's checked out the website, is
going back to it to give me some
20th (Sunday) [Girl from Mexico City]
Heavy rain, extremely cold
21st (Monday) [Girl from Mexico City]
Visiting Shari at 2East, who
praised, & critiqued Velasquez,
Klimt & Hopper's 'Nighthawk' with
an amazing flow. Image of the
girl with pigtails (her name might
be Emily) in the pale green
hospital gear : inside her room,
in pale blue light, a white towel
around her shoulders like a shawl
Lovely, & ethereal as a ghost
22nd (Tuesday)
Lovely warm afternoon. Walking
with Shari to Belkin House
Sunlight occasionally touching
the face of a somewhat
attractive Native Indian girl
23rd (Wednesday) [Girl from Mexico City]
24th (Thursday) [Girl from Mexico City]
Warm, sunny. Chasing around from
South Surrey, to Bridal Falls, to
25th (Friday) [Girl from Mexico City]
At 2East, girl named Annie does a
portrait of 'Sherrie.' Ashley (not
Emily) says 'Hi' & 'How are you?'
Sweet girl
26th (Saturday) [Girl from Mexico City]
27th (Sunday)
This morning Taeko was charming &
loquacious. At Value Village with
Heather, & then a banana split &
cheeseburgers at D.Q. Visiting
Shari at 2East. In the smoking
room Annie singing the Lords
Prayer in a hoarse voice; Ashley
sitting in the corner, smoking &
quietly crying; a blonde girl
smoking by the window, her face
quite lovely in the cool, white
light, her eyes on Ashley, a
few words of comfort; handing
Tannis, sitting beside me, an
empty cream container to use as
an ashtray
28th (Monday)
Dinner with Shari this evening
at Century Plaza. Corner booth,
round table, the music &
lighting were perfect. Taste of
goat cheese on Shari's fork,
feeding her chocolate dessert
on my spoon. I ended up eating
the steak she ordered, she
ended up eating the chicken
breast I ordered. 3 memorable
30th (Wednesday)
In the smoking room of 2East,
showing 'Gamma Rae Madonna' &
'American Express'. The woman
with the pigtail saying :
'This is SO pro.' Tannis liked
the work, & wanted to see more
One of the nurses an Indian
girl, very beautiful. Today
hotter than yesterday