Text Messages from:
Jan 27
Fran, i have this awesome idea
for a new portrait of you!! Don't
let me forget it :-)
Jan 29
[What is your idea? B-)]
Its the size of the first four
portraits. Think 'Voodoo
Lounge'. I'm thinking of a flashy
background. Fill u in on fri!! &
hope ur having a great week!!
Feb 9
Buying paper for the new
portrait tomorrow morning.
Totally amped about the
possibilities for this one! Hope
your weekend rocked, in a
relaxing sort of way
Feb 10
Fran! Was so focused on the
shoot i forgot to give you the
piece of cake i saved :-( I'll
make it up to u
[Lol its all good i was having a
Smoking something called
white kush & looking thru the
prints from the shoot. there's
10 portraits here and i have to
choose just one! You are
[Anything with the word kush in
it is righteous & good! Im so
excited for this one!]
Feb 14
Starting the portrait on
Monday. Glam with an attitude!
Love it!! :-)
[Im super stoked!! Sending zen
vibes B-)]
Feb 16
[People are loving Empress!]
Hi Fran, thanks for the shout
out! Starting the new portrait in
an hour or so!! Keep you
[Ah! Im so excited! Sending you
harmonious waves of zen-filled
flows B-)]
Feb 20
Fantastic day of work on the
portrait yesterday! Im thinking
it could be finished by Tuesday.
Keep you posted
Happy Year of the Sheep/Ram/
[I cannot believe you are almost
finished already!!!! Happy
sheep/ram/goat year B-)
Feb 24
Finishing the portrait off in a
few hours. Total glam & glitz!
The tone is so 'get off of my
Would be great if you could see
it tomorrow! or thurs?
[Yay im soooo excited!! Can we
do friday? Im working crazy
hours this week otherwise id
love to see it sooner B-)]
Friday's perfect! usual time?
Looking at the portrait, its quite
striking & different than the
15th (Sunday)
Clear skies & mild temperatures
16th (Monday) [Portrait of a
Famous International Bong Shop Bitch]
Texted Fran from Subway on Davie, that I was
starting the portrait within the hour. She
replied, [I'm so excited! Sending you
harmonious waves of zen-filled flows]
Lovely orange sunset this evening
17th (Tuesday) [Portrait of a
Famous International Bong Shop Bitch]
Text from Myle, at 5:13am, [Can't sleep...]
Another charming girl from Osaka, at Ebi
Ten on Robson. Another sunny, mild day
18th (Wednesday) [Portrait of a
Famous Bong Shop Bitch]
Punjabi girl at Quisno's quite charming
19th (Thursday) [Portrait of a
Famous Bong Shop Bitch]
Texting Myle on her birthday, who I think is
in a lot of discomfort these days
20th (Friday) [Portrait of a
Famous Bong Shop Bitch]
Texted Fran that the portrait could be
finished by Tuesday. [I cannot believe you
are almost finished already!!!! Happy Sheep/
Ram/Goat Year :)]
21st (Saturday) [Portrait of a
Famous Bong Shop Bitch]
Showing the girl from Osaka (Nina she's
calling herself) the 'Seahorse' & 'Scorpion'
shots. The girl is so gentle & charming
22nd (Sunday) [Portrait of a
Famous Bong Shop Bitch]
Clear, mild weather continues. Trees
blossoming in all the West End streets
23rd (Monday) [Portrait of a
Famous Bong Shop Bitch]
A rich glow of light coming in as the sun
was setting early this afternoon
24th (Tuesday) [Portrait of a
Famous Bong Shop Bitch]
Blossoms along Haro looking lovely in the
late afternoon sunshine
25th (Wednesday)
Text message from Fran, as I was going into
the Subway at Walnut Grove, [Usual time :)
I'm so excited!] Heavy rain tonight
26th (Thursday)
Describing the cover of the 'RainCity' book,
& the portrait, to Reanne, who was amused by
27th (Friday)
Discussing ideas for Sugarplum Fairy with
Fran at Subway on Davie. Described how she
once spiked her siblings food with weed, &
how they won't let her in the kitchen now
Liked the portrait quite much, & thought
the fur on the sleeve looked 'real enough to
touch.' Work on the portraits webpage,
uploaded in the evening