Ascension of the Battle_Raven     (A Portrait of Frangelica Atherton)

Opus Watercolour, medium
November 2015

[Text: Richard to Reanne]

I checked it out. Fran was Badb Catha in
a past life. Not sure who i was, but i'm
guessing we all knew each other back in
the day...

[Text: Reanne to Richard]

I think so too

A portrait of Frangelica

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14th (Saturday)
Texted Eve last night, during the rainstorm. 'This
is my kind of weather!!' She texted back, [It's way
too heavy lol]

!5th (Sunday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Jasmine tea with Reanne at Nordstrom's this evening
Showed me a drawing in her sketchbook, described the
impression the Northern Lights had on her last week
She had me draw three cards from a deck (which were
Abundantia, Diana, & Brigit) & explained what they
meant as a sort of guidance & inspiration to me going
into the New Year

16th (Monday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Seven photos of the girls texted from Myle. [Van is
wearing red lady bug outfit,] she wrote. Joyce looked
good in a pink shirt with white stripes. As she
leaned against the coffee machine, I remarked that it
would make a good portrait

17th (Tuesday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Strong winds this afternoon

18th (Wednesday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Talked to Eerly for the first time in weeks. Who is
taking a course related to physio, 5 mornings a week

19th (Thursday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Gave Joyce a copy of the 'Advil' pastel, which quite
amused her. Met Kana at Shoppers on Davie, who was
battling a bit of a cold, but looked quite elegant out
of the kitchen. Checked out Fran on facebook, who had a
striking new profile, & added a little to the
background text. Felt a rush of anticipation, &
thought of the message in Reanne's cards : Prosperity,
Focused Intention, Don't Back Down

20th (Friday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Text from Michelle, 'Hi Richard, this week has been
fabulous. Tomorrow morning I have to work on my term
project, which is due at the end of this month. Rain
check? Clear, cool weather

21st (Saturday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Showing Joyce two of the 'champagne' pastels. Said
she knew there was a message there, but wasn't sure
what it was, not having been raised here, which was
quite astute

22nd (Sunday)   [Ascension of the Battle Raven]
Lovely sunset over Kits this evening, a deep rich

23rd (Monday)
Texted Reanne with a little encouragement for
tomorrow. She texted back, [Thanks Richard. Text me
before u pop in as I don't know my sched yet]

24th (Tuesday)
Clear & cold, the temp going down to freezing

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