Portrait of Asha

Portrait of Asha, Pender & Howe

pastel, watercolour (44" x 78")
June/July 2004

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16th (Wednesday)
Talked to the girl at the
flower stand, who is very
charming. Her name is Asha
Tamie showing me her photos
from France, Czech Republic, &
one from London. Told me she'd
like to go back on a more
'romantic' holiday. Sunny,

17th (Thursday)
Photos of Asha for the portrait
Met Peggy on Denman, who had
been working at a surgeon's
office, St Paul's, & is going
to Ont for her sister's wedding
shower. Showed Melinda the
portrait this evening, in the
staircase gallery. First hot
day, muggy in the shade, with a
warm breeze

18th (Friday)
Sweltering hot. 'Zelig' this

19th (Saturday)
Stretched paper for the drawing

20th (Sunday)
US Open golf this afternoon, won
by Goosen at Shinnecock Hills

21st (Monday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Explaining to Heather, the
astronomy behind the summer
solstice, & the awful hot
weather. Talking to Asha, who
spent a year in the Czech
Republic as an exchange student

22nd (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Myle off three days with a
migraine. Told me she took 10
Advils in one day

23rd (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

24th (Thursday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Met Hye Ryeon at Robson & Howe
Discussed art, her favourite Van
Gogh, 'Cafe Terrace at Night',
as the crowd flowed past us on
either side. Asha telling me she
loves the music of John Lennon
Myle amused with my 13cent
payment. Told me 13 was bad luck,
so I paid an extra nickel. Soccer
this afternoon, Portugal winning
over England, on penalty kicks

25th (Friday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Girl with black hair, a little
plump, with a lovely face, who
I've seen a few times in the
lobby. Hates the heat too, &
tells me that fall is her
favourite season

28th (Monday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Election day. Drinking wine late
this evening... on the roof of
Best Western, on a pleasant summer

29th (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Another sunset from the roof of
Best Western

30th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

1st (Thursday)
Steveston this afternoon, barbecue
at Tangy's this evening beneath a
striking full moon

2nd (Friday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Asha's father a biology teacher
at Langara

3rd (Saturday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

5th (Monday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Showed Asha the outline, who
thought it was 'Awesome!' - 'It
actually looks like me.'

6th (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

7th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Asha told me she showed the
outline to a lot of people and
'they all think it looks
exactly like me'. Has the photo
on her fridge door. Buying
'sour keys' for Myle. Girl
working with her told me
'You're so nice - to her.'

9th (Friday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Myle spent an hour, she told me
grocery shopping at T&T, buying
exotic things like 'grass jelly'
and tofu. Saw Sarah, who looked
typically angry, on Granville

Talked to Shab, who brightened
up when I asked her what she
thought of Kandinsky. Told me
everyone at school is telling
her that her work reminds them
of his. Melinda showing photos
of her visit to the James Bond
exhibit. Talking to Asha, who
was eating a bowl of soup
outside Tim Hortons. A bit of
rain today

10th (Saturday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

11th (Sunday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Beijing girl has seen 'The
Godfather' four or five times,
but was confused when I asked
about Pt II & III. Not sure
if she understands the concept
of a sequel

12th (Monday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
'The Godfather' one of Asha's
favourite movies. Her favourite
book is 'The Unbearable
Lightness of Being' which she's
read in Czech, French & English

13th (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

14th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
'Salmon girl' committing
herself to trying a can of
sardines. High overcast, muggy

15th (Thursday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Asha saying she was 'spaced
out'; Melinda's 'dorkiness'
subdued; a distant, distracted
Myle. Holly tells me her
boyfriend is on the verge of

16th (Friday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

17th (Saturday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Steamy, hot day. Met Heather
at library. Both of us
complaining bitterly about
the weather

18th (Sunday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Dramatic British Open, won by
Hamilton in a playoff over

19th (Monday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Asha tells me her father &
aunt are looking forward to
seeing the drawing

20th (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]

21st (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Asha,
Pender & Howe]
Asha tells me she loves
'Revolver', 'Sgt Pepper', the
song 'Lovely Rita', & could
once play the piano bit on
'For No One'

22nd (Thursday)
Visited Shari for an hour this
evening. Sitting in a chair on
the terrace, with her feet in
a puddle of water

25th (Sunday)
Myle telling me how she lost
the feeling in her right arm
on Thursday night. Wants a
drawing of herself with a
large head, small body, &
wearing diapers

26th (Monday)
Asha planning to come over
Wednesday, with her mom, to
see the portrait

27th (Tuesday)
Haze from a forest fire over
the city all day

28th (Wednesday)
Asha & her mother came over
this evening to see the
drawing. Asha's mother a
very affable, intelligent

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