So you're the leader of the Green Party, an institution
committed to protecting the environment and saving the planet.
You ask yourself, "What's the best thing I could do to help
achieve this goal?" - "How about running for President of the
United States? I have zero chance of winning; but I could take
crucial votes away from Al Gore, a man committed to the Kyoto
Accord, thus allowing George Bush to become President." Brilliant!
We all know how well that worked out for planet earth.
What were you thinking Ralph? What were the numbskulls who
voted for you in Florida thinking? - The corporate executives,
with their billions of dollars in Bush tax breaks, were laughing
all the way to the bank, as millions of tons of their pollutants
continued pouring into the atmosphere.
Thank you Ralph. You should have stuck to harassing the corporate
executives. At least that was time well spent.
A few reactions to this drawing:
agnes chow: "I like the elephants."
myle ha: "Who's Ralph Nader? Is he the guy everyone hates?"
maggie au-yeung: "Why you put the elephants on here?"
natalie charbonneau: "............. I don't get it."