A portrait of Iram Lin

Girl from Taiwan (Portrait of Iram Lin)

Aquarelle Arches, smooth
April/May 2010

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15th (Thursday)
Stretched paper for the portrait. Lovely warm morning,
overcast in the afternoon with a sprinkle of rain, &
then sunshine. Talked to Lani, who needs a name for her
'group'. Something with 'rain' in it. Told me she
thought I was good at titles

16th (Friday)   [Portrait of Iram Lin]
Wonderful talks with Iram, & Myle who told me she ate
2 large bowls of rice & threw up violently

17th (Saturday)   [Portrait of Iram Lin]
A long talk with Reanne. Discussed the 'Empress' project,
the concept of which she understands perfectly. Myle
suggesting I should visit her father's grave, that we
could meet there. We talked about our programs, & how
we should try to inspire each other. Bought her an
avocado smoothie from Joyeaux

20th (Tuesday)
Sick day #2. Myle called in the afternoon, & Vesna
called a few times in the evening

1st (Saturday)   [Portrait of Iram Lin]
Showing Myle the cellphone. She looked lovely in white
this morning. Bought her an avocado smoothie from
Joyeaux. Talking with Reanne for a bit, who also looked
great in white, with a flower in her hair. Vesna
stopped by for a minute on her way to some May Day
party. She had a lovely yellow scarf, & nice perfume
Sent a message to Iram, saying I'd finally finished the

7th (Friday)   [Portrait of Iram Lin]
Lovely, warm sunny day, with a bit of a breeze. Talked
briefly with Iram, who seems nervous about seeing the
portrait. Myle with a large cold sore on her lip
Brought her hot water & an avocado smoothie. The
Shaughnessy walk this afternoon. Reading 'Light My
Fire' from the terrace, & texted Myle. (She texted
back a few minutes later : 'Thanks, Richard'). The
blossoms, & the sun filtering through the leaves on
the boulevard, were lovely

8th (Saturday)
Text from Myle saying she called in sick with the
cold sore, & how much the medication cost. Iram with
a charming smile this morning, looking elegant in
heels. Vesna & I squeezed into the chair together,
watching 'Manhatten'

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