6th (Tuesday)
Nice talk with the Hong Kong girl at Sears. Eager to
give her opinion about the ref shots for the next
drawing. She chose a different one than Myle. Said
to me, 'You always look good.' Love to do a portrait
of her! Myle upset that Natalie didn't text her about
the baby. Told me she couldn't sleep, & got up at 6am
to text her. A lovely smile, wave, & 'How are you?' from
the girl at Joyeaux. A portrait of her too, perhaps?
Picked up Japanese DVD at Robson Market. Had a lovely
little chat with the with the girl there. Her name is
Bonnie, from Hong Kong. Spanish Banks East, with
7th (Wednesday) [Still Life with Roses]
Showed (Lancome) Maggie a few drawings, including 'Girl
from Hong Kong'. She's looking forward to seeing the
still life. Talking to Myle on the phone during most
of the 2nd half of Spain/Germany. Later in the afternoon
we went to the Japadog place on Robson. She texted me
later : 'I puked :('
13th (Tuesday) [Still Life with Roses]
Talked to Shari on the phone this morning, for over
half an hour. First time we talked in 3 years. With Myle
at the Food Fair eating greek salad & dill chips, as she
showed me all her info on scooters. Maggie describing
the injury to her hand. A nice cool day
14th (Wednesday) [Still Life with Roses]
Showed Bonnie from Hong Kong a few more photos of the
work. She liked 'Study in Greens & Grays', which surprised
me. Gave her a couple of the Fujis. Love the way she
dresses. Very cool, charming girl. Clear, sunny, but
pleasantly mild. Dropped in on Ady at Subway
15th (Thursday)
Myle called four or five times from the Temple this
afternoon. Very excited about the scooter. Lacarno Beach
this evening, with Vesna. Lovely sunset behind Bowen