text messages
July 24
Reanne hi, don't know
what your sched looks
like, but its supposed to
be mostly sunny
tomorrow & pretty good
for the rest of the week
July 25
[I have appointments
today and tomorrow
but I'll check for
Wednesday if I'm off, I
think I'm working]
Supposed to hit 27
tomorrow. Enjoy the
July 26
[I'm off tomorrow
Wanna go then!?]
For sure! I'll check the
schedule & get back to
Reanne hi The ferry
leaves at 10:20, and
the tsawassen bus
leaves bridgeport
station at 9
Was thinking if we met
at starbucks on
granville, across from
nordstrom, at 8 it would
give us plenty of time
to get the canada line
to bridgeport
Would be awesome to
get into the country
[Sounds great]
Think the weathers
gonna be perfect. See u
July 27
[I have to go back
home, I forgot my keys]
K, see u in a bit
[At library already]
Sounds good
July 28
Awesome daytrip
yesterday! Pics turned
out great... and i got
a bit of a tan!!
[It was so fun]
[Glad we got some
great shots]
Links to photo collages
Reanne's Midsummer Daytrip to Galiano Island
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