13th (Sunday) [Math Work, Burrard]
Taking photos of Yajing for the portrait. At Subway
re-writing Ady's letter to the Canadian Consulate,
Berlin. Reading 'Halsey' at Oakridge Food Fair, on
a sunny warm afternoon
14th (Monday)
Editing the photos, & stretching paper for the portrait
15th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Yajing Sun]
Showed Ethiopian girl a few of the portraits,
including Ady. Suggested to her that I could to a
good portrait of her, could I take a few pictures
of her next week. She said 'Yes', & thanked me.
Charming woman. Longest All-Star game ever, from
Yankee Stadium. Nice drama, excellent result! A
year ago I was in a sort of rapture thinking of
Minori. This year....
16th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Yajing Sun]
Showed up at Joyeaux, where they were still
sitting in the dark. Chatting with one of the
girls, from Saigon. Myle asked if I wanted a
used 39" tv. This evening, third time watching
'Napoleon's Final Battle'
17th (Thursday) [Portrait of Yajing Sun]
Talking to Maggie this morning, who told me about
Buddhist meditation & something she called the
'energy'. Myle calls her 'the old lady', but I
find her rather intriguing
18th (Friday) [Portrait of Yajing Sun]
Fun talking with Myle this morning, who had some
sort of fever yesterday, went home & wrapped
herself in blankets & sweaters. She suggested we
go for lunch at Joyeaux next week. Talking to
Ady on the phone, who thanked me for my help
last week
19th (Saturday) [Portrait of Yajing Sun]
British Open this morning, in bed
20th (Sunday) [Portrait of Yajing Sun]
British Open early this morning, won by Harrington,
though it would have been nice to see Norman win
Meeting Yajing on Wednesday to show her the portrait
Susan emailed , saying that Agnes Chow was 'A truly
beautiful girl' & that the portrait was her favourite
21st (Monday)
Talking to Ady on the phone this evening,
who's settling in at the house near Knight
22nd (Tuesday) [Math Work, Burrard]
Myle charming this morning. Let me try half a cup of
soup she'd made from a mixture she bought in Hong
Kong. A kind of melange of ingredients, including
squid. This evening, on the way to the library,
stopped and talked to Ady at 7-Eleven. Went to Capers
again to see if the Ethiopian girl was working. Had a
short, lovely little chat, & agreed to get together
during her break on Thursday to take photos
23rd (Wednesday) [Math Work, UBC/Burrard]
Finished the Halsey biography, while waiting for Yajing
on the terrace at the market. She loved the portrait,
showing it around to everyone who worked there. Lovely
cool evening, the fireworks blasting away through the
branches of the trees