...The 'Seahorse' piece was amazing. I think this must
of been a change for you, to work on something that
wasn't along a 'political ad' line or really even
a scene for that matter. It's very peaceful yet the
background is murky rather than bright and the
'mechanical wheels' are a great balance to the
structure of a SEAHORSE and yet quite contrary to
their being and... life. I think I'm gonna have a
lazer copy done as big as the machine can do and find
a poem or even a stanza somewhere in my head that
will correspond. After looking at the 'GAP' piece,
which is cool by the way, I wonder if you remember
commercials or ads by 'Benneton'. They're a clothes
and perfume company with a logo ← United Colors
by Benneton.
... As for poems I've been trying very hard to convert
dreams that I've jotted down to actual poems. It's
been very difficult.
Here's an example of one to deal with:
Sept 21st/96
A black spider jumped from a piece
of sliced meat. It was bouncing, then
attacking me. I caught it in my left
hand. It started to grow some kind of
skin coloured shell. It got under my skin
between index and thumb. It
changed each time I looked at it. It
became an elephant with the trunk
facing my wrist.
Well, I'll write again soon.
Happy Drawing,
13th (Friday)
Mun Jung giving me a 'tour' of
14th_16th (Sat - Mon)
Easter Holiday. This afternoon another
pleasant conversation with Mun Jung
17th (Tuesday) [Face of a Poet]
Mexican girl at Scholtsky's this morning
Had a wonderful conversation. Her name
is Adriana. Started the portrait of Lisa
this afternoon. Watching a doc about
Alfred Stieglitz this evening. Cool,
rainy evening
18th (Wednesday) [Face of a Poet]
19th (Thursday) [Face of a Poet]
20th (Friday) [Face of a Poet]
21st (Saturday) [Face of a Poet]
Mun Jung enthusiastic about the photo
from Saturna Island. Was surprised I took
it myself. Said I looked like an artist
Told me about swimming at Aquatic Centre
this morning, & she was frightened about
diving off the tower. Finished the
portrait this evening
22nd (Sunday)
Showed Mun Jung some the drawings. Didn't
want to believe 'Factory Girl' was a drawing
Kept pointing at the sleeve & saying,
'Picture'. Cool, rainy day
23rd (Monday)
Myle very charming this morning. Told her
about approaching galleries, & she said,
'I want to see them so bad.' Another cool
rainy day. Mailed letter to Lisa this