13th (Sunday)
Betty came over this evening. Showed
her her own portrait, 'Seduction'
which featured her hands, & the
portraits of Harman & Trish
14th (Monday) [Betty Commission]
Finished the drawing off this evening
Still recovering from the illness of
the weekend. Ran into Monica at Robson
Market, who's returning to Korea
tomorrow. Playful grab, turned me
around & pushed me away. I can't
remember what she said. Ho Im
'spoiling' me with xtra bacon & cheese
on the sandwich. Helped Betty carry
groceries, wine, & ballons, from
Xtra Foods, to Safeway, & the liquor
store. Bought things I didn't know
15th (Tuesday)
Dropped off double portrait at Betty's,
who was xhappy with it. Alexis shook
hands with me twice, said I was the
best artist she'd ever met. Helped
Betty choose a frame at a shop on
Denman, near Alberni. Picked a heavy
mold, imported from Italy
18th (Friday)
Math work, UBC Trying to define
an elliptic arc, with e raised to
the power of two variables. A blue
'August' sky this afternoon, streaked
with dragon clouds
19th (Saturday) [Portrait of Goretti]
Saw the movie 'Performance', nearly 30
years after missing it at the old
Colonial Theatre, on that rainy Nov
afternoon. Was silly & intriguing at
the same time
20th (Sunday) [Portrait of Goretti]
Went to photo exhibit (Lee Miller) at
Presentation House, North Van
21st (Monday) [Portrait of Goretti]
22nd (Tuesday) [Portrait of Goretti]
Showed girl at Robson Market bakery
(dark,curly hair, striped shirt) the Fuji
pictures (chose Autumn), 'Urban Desert'
& 'Wedding Portrait'. Prefered the former,
thought bride didn't look real. A big
stink in the city today, about the
McSorley incident last night
23rd (Wednesday) [Portrait of Goretti]
Nice chat with the 'London' girl at Opus
Leaving the store, the sky was black, & a
heavy shower of hail was falling. Trish
called this afternoon, excited about
seeing the portrait
24th (Thursday) [Portrait of Goretti]
25th (Friday) [Portrait of Goretti]
Met Karen (Granville Island) in front
of Sinclair. Went inside & showed her
Trish portrait. Thought it was odd we met
because she'd thought of me the other day
Has my number, but I think she's too shy
to call. Showed portrait to Sheila, who
looked cute in a pony tail. Heavy rain
this afternoon
27th (Sunday)
Pulling stumps on the hill. Heavy overcast,
threatening rain. Late afternoon a dull,
cobalt grey on the horizon, the winter
trees in counterpoint. Sharp round edges of
the sun, crimson orange, showing itself a
couple of times. A soft glow of light
touching the summits of Vedder, while fog
drifted below
28th (Monday) [Portrait of Goretti]
Finished off the portrait tonight, then
chatted with Susan. Wanted me to ask her
Furby a question. 'What's van Gogh's
first name?'