13th (Thursday)
Visited Betty this evening at the
new store in Gastown. She's
encouraging me to market my work,
& has offered to help out with
advice, contacts, & inspiration
Continuing to develop the new
14th (Friday)
Another 'Shari experience' at
St Paul's, Comox Unit & 2East
16th (Sunday)
Hottest day of the year, not a
cloud in the sky. 'Omish' girl at
bakery, sat at a table next door
& showed her the graphic work
(chose 'Marlboro'), and had a
good discussion about art, &
tried to encourage her in her own
projects, which includes a
commission for a copy of a bronze
garden frog. Described her
boyfriend's $2500 tatoo. Irish
girl working at the bakery with
her, who seemed to have a
wonderful personality
17th (Monday)
Math Work, UBC Developing the
concept of Elliptical Sine,
Elliptical Cosine. Visited Shari
this evening. Image of a forlorn
little plant in parched soil, on
the windowsill, in a green plastic
pot that was splitting apart. Shari
mentioned working at Salvation Army
One of the patients, sitting on a
chair, in his barefeet: 'The one
on Cordova? I was a recovery
patient there in 1995 & 1998.'
Intriguing Brazilian girl at
Robson Market bakery
18th (Tuesday)
Math Work, UBC Cool, overcast
in the morning, clear & breezy in the
afternoon, muggy this evening. Showed
'Homish' girl photos of portraits
Chose 'Trish' as being the most
19th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Misty]
Showed Betty the six portrait photos
Thought Janet might be of 'Mexican &
Asian'. Chose 'Trish'
20th (Thursday) [Portrait of Misty]
Pleasant little talk with Irish girl,
whose name is Jill. Visited Shari this
evening. Showed portraits to some of
the patients. One of them, a Jean Claude,
was an artist, who did 'seascapes'. After
seeing the Harman portrait, looked at me
& said, 'I hate you! I can never do
21st (Friday) [Portrait of Misty]
Hot, humid day, with a burning sun
Beautiful sky from 6th floor, Bay,
this evening, while reading Feininger
22nd (Saturday) [Portrait of Misty]
Image on Davie: Heavy overcast, threatening
rain, waiting to cross the street, girl
with bright purple hair that seemed nearly
to glow through the dark air. Sitting at
Bojangles, reading art, while jazz played
in the background, & heavy rain fell
outside. Showed Irish girl, Jill, some of
the art
23rd (Sunday) [Portrait of Misty]
British Open this morning, another
overwhelming performance by Tiger Woods
24th (Monday) [Portrait of Misty]
25th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Misty]
Visited Shari at 2North. Surprised to meet
Alexis, who was there visiting a friend,
the girl with hair streaked blue
26th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Misty]
27th (Thursday) [Portrait of Misty]
Kassi filling in this afternoon at Robson
Market. Suggested I come over to see her
work. 9th floor apt on Haro. Grotesque heads,
serpents, insects, a partly finished mermaid,
& a 'unique' pen holder. 'What is it?' 'A
bum.' Dark, with heavy rain. Talked to Shari
this evening. Told me Alexis thought we
should get married
31st (Monday)
Trying to persuade the Brazilian girl at
Robson Market to be in a portrait. Good
response to the large drawings. Seemed to
prefer 'Fair-haired Lady'. An intriguing
woman. Also, asked Melody (Capers) if she'd
be interested in being in a portrait
Replied with a drawn out 'Yeee..s'
which I'm not sure how to interpret. I
showed her a few of the large drawings
(good response) & said I'd show her a few
of the portraits
1st (Tuesday)
Math Work, UBC
2nd (Wednesday)
Math Work, UBC e length - h length
exponent to the base e, & e raised to the
power of the e length, represented
geometrically. Visited Shari at St. Paul's
Sitting across from me in a tiny smoking
room, pale & haggard, some crude
imitations of African art on the rough
shelves behind her, outside the ancient
brick walls & windows of the courtyard,
that looked & felt like a prison