Portrait of Roula / Portrait of Roula Panagiotopolous

Lanaquarelle, medium ◊ Saunders Waterford, medium
June 2002 ◊ August/September 2002

A portrait of Roula Panagiotopolous

A portrait of Roula Panagiotopolous

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4th (Tuesday)
Overcast, touch of rain this evening
E-mail from Nayeon

5th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Roula]
Nice talk with 'Bombay' girl, who
spent a month with her cousins visiting
India. The old guy in front of the old
Bank of Montreal blowing away on his
harmonica, stops suddenly & says,
'Nuclear war between India & Pakistan
is a real threat', & starts playing

6th (Thursday)   [Portrait of Roula]

7th (Friday)   [Portrait of Roula]
Showed 'Bombay' girl two small Japanese
Good response, she was very nice. Her
name is Sonya. Heavy shower of rain
around 4:30, & then the sun came out &
it was windy again

8th (Saturday)   [Portrait of Roula]
Jing Yuan describing an 'ugly' Korean
guy who was waving at her as she sat
in the restaurant with her friend
Told me she gave him the finger

9th (Sunday)   [Portrait of Roula]
Had some fun trying to help Jing Yuan
pronounce 'usual'. Had a difficult time
with the 'l'

10th (Monday)   [Portrait of Roula]

11th (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Roula]
Roula 'excited' about seeing the portrait
Showed Sonya the Japanese pastels. Picked
'Summer Fuji', & said be sure to tell her
when I have a show. First bike ride this
year to Lost Lagoon & across to 2nd Beach

12th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Roula]

13th (Thursday)   [Portrait of Roula]
On Davie, near Bidwell, met Peggy & Carol,
who had the cutest little dog. Long talk
with Heather, in the hallway, & then near
the elevator. Very hot this afternoon, in
the low 30's. Talked with Shab, who told
me her favourite artist was van Gogh, &
especially liked 'Starry Night'. Seeing
Roula at 3:30 Saturday, to show her the
portrait. Long talk with Shari, who said
her apt was an oven

15th (Saturday)
Showed Roula the portrait, in the old
north-east ground level stairwell at the
Bay. She was VERY happy with it. (The
girl is SO charming). She could read &
pronounce most of the archaic Greek
Went to get Shab, & another girl, who
both had intelligent comments. Loaned
Shab one of my books on van Gogh. She is
also VERY intriguing. US Open golf this
afternoon, & a British movie 'Heat &
Dust' this afternoon

29th (Thursday)
Math Work, UBC
Concept of xlength Cosine (xCos) &
xylength Tangent (xyTan) to go with
ylength Cosine, (yCos)

30th (Friday)
Math Work, UBC
Perfect late summer afternoon on campus
Charming girl in black sitting next to
me on the 99, who admired Gustave
Klimt. Egg & bacon at Shari's

31st (Saturday)   [Portrait of R.
At Robson Market an old fellow
apologizing for something his friend
did, or said to me, last week. Neither
Jing Yuan nor I can remember what
happened, but it was a nice gesture

1st (Sunday)   [Portrait of R.
Girl at Safeway, with nice hands, asked
me if I was still doing drawings. She
remembered that I once talked to her
about using her hands in a drawing (I
was surprised)

2nd (Monday)   [Portrait of R.
First cool, rainy day in weeks. Great
jazz on the radio tonight, featuring
the music of Lionel Hampton

3rd (Tuesday)   [Portrait of
Roula Panagiotopoulos]
Two big thundershowers this morning
'Beijing Bicycle' at Denman Theatre
Lovely cool clear air early this evening

4th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of
Roula Panagiotopoulos]
Ride through Stanley Park, the early
autumn air soothingly cool

5th (Thursday)   [Portrait of
Roula Panagiotopoulos]

6th (Friday)   [Portrait of
Roula Panagiotopoulos]
Another beautiful afternoon in the

7th (Saturday)   [Portrait of
Roula Panagiotopoulos]

8th (Sunday)   [Portrait of
Roula Panagiotopoulos]
Showed girl at Safeway (Chifa)
'Destiny of Art', 'Factory Girl', &
portrait of Jing Yuan. She was quite enthusiastic &
looking forward to seeing more. 'I'm
working tomorrow night.' Chilly, dark,
& raining steadily all day

9th (Monday)
Received the 'Rain' CD from Nayeon

10th (Tuesday)
Roula VERY charming this morning
Another beautiful afternoon in Stanley
Park. Could the weather be more perfect?

11th (Wednesday)
Saturna Island
The Island in a bank of marine fog,
that began to dissolve like mist out
of a genie's bottle, as I got to the
ridge. Sparkling water through the
haze, ravens circling, & seeming to
acknowlege me with loud, lingering
cries. Music by Jean Michael Jarre
(thank you Zonia!] On the way up, a
woman's smile through an open window:
pileated woodpecker on the way down,
and a lift from an affable Quebecer,
visiting Galiano. Reading math;
at a cozy little table at the pub

12th (Thursday)
Gathering material for '(e)Motions(s)',
including 3 photos of mannequins at
the Bay. 'Sure.' (You can photograph
them) 'Why not? It's a free country,'
she said. Izzy working mostly in the
cafe downstairs now