5th (Monday)
Cool & rainy. Getting things in order
for the portrait. Talked to Shari, who
seems ready to unload her daughter
Good hockey game Devils/Stars
6th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
7th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
Saw 'Small Time Crooks' at Oakridge
8th (Thursday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
Talked to 'Rosseau Girl' at Opus for
the first time in 2 months. Plays the
accordian & sings. One of her songs
something about 'Everyone's going to Die'
Showed me the cover of the demo CD, which
was a self-portrait in ink. At bank was
told Sheila was on vacation, then met her
on Howe an hour later. She looks good in
the sunshine. Triple overtime hockey,
from New Jersey
9th (Friday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
Math Work, UBC Equation for the
h length spiral. Cold, wet, this evening
11th (Sunday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
'Hamish' girl showed me her little
sculpture, frog on a lilypad. Showed her
photo of Epstein's 'Genesis'. 'Ouu...
that's creepy. I like it.' At Virgin
Records this morning, saw a postcard photo
That helped to complete an idea, also
called 'Genesis'
12th (Monday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
Talking with 'Filipino' girl in the lane
behind Fresgo's, as it was beginning to
get dark. Has a very pretty, unusual
Spanish name, a gentle voice & disposition
A lot of artists in her family, she said
Gave her a photo of 'Manifesto'
13th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
14th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
15th (Thursday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
16th (Friday) [Portrait of Filipino Girl]
17th (Saturday) [Portrait of Filipinio Girl]
18th (Sunday)
Last touches on the portrait. U.S. Open
this morning & afternoon, won by Tiger
Woods by a remarkable 15 strokes
19th (Monday)
Math Work, UBC Work on the
altered spirals. First visit to the
Barn Coffee Shop. Sunny, with a cool
20th (Tuesday)
Math Work, UBC Mentioned to the
girl at Koerner that she had the right
look for a drawing I was doing. Her
mother was an artist, she told me,
doing mainly still lifes. Showed Janet
the portrait, in the lane behind
Fresgo's. Liked the hair, laughed, &
said she didn't like the cigarette
Betty has suddenly reappeared, from
21st (Wednesday)
Hanna this morning, cleaning marble
steps on Yuko's old apartment bldg,
Bute. Dropped in on Betty, who was
tanned & in good spirits. Talked to
Lani, who was working at liquor
store, Davie