Portrait of Sanaam

Winsor & Newton, medium
June 2001

A portrait of Sanaam

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3rd (Sunday)
Looking over the drawing, before
putting it away, while listening to
a CD of 'classic' Chinese music
Thinking about the portrait, while
watching an A&E documentary on the
Impressionists this evening

4th (Monday)   [Portrait of Sanaam]
Nice cool, overcast day

5th (Tuesday)   [Portrait of Sanaam]
Mun Jung: 'I don't like Woody Allen.'

6th (Wednesday)   [Portrait of Sanaam]
Great basketball game tonight

7th (Thursday)   [Portrait of Sanaam]
Talked to Lorane for 1 1/2 hrs this
morning, worked on the portrait for
an hour, then went to Eaton's. Showing
drawings to JoAnne went nowhere, but
Myle was charming. Worried about,
what else, her complexion. Her father
has liver cancer. At Market Nancy says,
'Why haven't you sent Ho Im an email?'
Risako no time for movies these days
Girl at London Drugs, whose name is
Minnie. 'It's not short for Winifred.'
Nice smile, & soft musical voice. She
asked what medium my art was. Shari on
the phone complaining about, who else,
her Mother

8th (Friday)   [Portrait of Sanaam]

9th (Saturday)   [Portrait of Sanaam]
Showed Karam photo portraits. Liked the
one of Beatrice, especially the profile
Told me quite a bit about her life in
India. She had to milk the 'buffalo' at
five in the morning. Is being married
in Oct to a man she's never met, but
isn't the least bit apprehensive

10th (Sunday)   [Portrait of Sanaam]
Met Cassi at Cardero & Haro. Overcast &
chilly, with heavy rain falling through
sunshine. Has an idea for a 'Hitler
Coffee Mug'

11th (Monday)
Karam very nervous about her drivers
test tomorrow. Asked me to pray for her
Showed Myle 'Our Precious Science'. Was
quite excited about it. Wants to do
something like it, but with her face
Also asked if I could give her 'a six
pack', something to do with abdominal