5th (Wednesday)
Reading 'trig delights' at the
Barn Cafe, with the sun shining
in brightly & warmly. Sent email
to Nayeon, note from Audrey
saying Mary received the photos
& to thank me very much
7th (Friday) [Portrait of Michelle]
Cold, clear weather continues
Amusing email from Shari
8th (Saturday) [Portrait of Michelle]
Working on the background of
the drawing, hockey (Canucks/Wild)
playing downtown
9th (Sunday) [Portrait of Michelle]
Girl at Galloway's is Jewish/Italian
Took up art not long ago, she said,
'Self-portraits' of how she percieves
herself. An intriguing girl, with
style & a gentle demeanour. Hye
Ryeon dragging a large bag of onions
across the floor. A superb Chinese
movie tonight, 'To Live'
10th (Monday) [Portrait of Michelle]
More typical Nov weather: rainy &
11th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Michelle]
12th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Michelle]
Some nice banter with the
Italian girl, describing what
she wore a couple of weeks ago
as a 'gypsy wrap'. Outside on
Denman, the lights of the street
glowing through the thinnest
veil of mist. Lovely sunset at
English Bay, glimmering orange
on the water, silhouettes of
dogs running up & down the shore...
13th (Thursday) [Portrait of Michelle]
16th (Sunday)
Took the portrait through heavy
rain & wind to Galloways. Michelle
was happy with the way she looked,
& that she expected to be critical
of it. Italian girl is Sarah,
showed me some of her art course
sketches, & apologized for being
'so unfriendly' the other day
Mary wondering why I wanted a
Diet Pepsi. 'You're already
skinny,' she said