Link to
Fran contemplating The Moon
Link to
Fran contemplating The Fool
Link to
A Portrait of Frangelica
Link to
Fran Atherton & The Hierophant
11th (Saturday) [collage/Fran]
Text from Susan, [My cousin's wife just
noted 20 seconds of rain in Maple Ridge
Let's keep up the rain dance -- we're
nearly there. Lol.] Some decent rain late
this evening
12th (Sunday)
Striking African girl on the Skytrain,
long black fingernails & boots up to her
knees. Text from Kiyeon saying she'd like
to visit the PNE
13th (Monday) [collage/Fran]
14th (Tuesday) [collage/Fran]
Sun, & warming up again
15th (Wednesday)
'A Midsummer Nights Sex Comedy' on the
evening of the midsummer day
23rd (Thursday) [collage/Fran]
Text from Susan, [Maybe rain this
weekend!!] Pleasant little chat with the
girl at Shoppers, whose name is Sylvia
(or Sylvie). Would like to do a portrait
of her
24th (Friday) [collage/Fran]
Soothing cool rain
25th (Saturday)
'A Hard Day's Night' this evening