9th (Saturday)
Math Work, Burrard
Some interesting results regarding the
ylength of a parabolic curve
10th (Sunday) [Steam Maid Pastel]
11th (Monday) [Steam Maid Pastel]
12th (Tuesday) [Steam Maid Pastel]
13th (Wednesday)
Saw the 'Montreal' girl, from the
kitchen window. Karmjit letting on
that she's expecting a child in
August, & that she's letting her
cousin pick a name
14th (Thursday) [Steam Maid Pastel]
15th (Friday) [Steam Maid Pastel]
16th (Saturday) [Steam Maid Pastel]
Cold, overcast day. This afternoon
sunshine on the North Shore mtns, that
were covered with new snow. Jing Yuan
wrote her name in Chinese, in large
letters, with a green felt pen. Joking
with her that I'd make her name famous
17th (Sunday) [Steam Maid Pastel]
18th (Monday)
Heavy, wet snow falling this morning &
afternoon. Math work at library (y length
of parabola) Watching large snowflakes
through the window, ever so gently
swirling down
19th (Tuesday)
Light snow at UBC
20th (Wednesday)
Saw 'Monsoon Wedding' at Tinseltown, &
then the library researching the next
drawing. Jing Yuan joking that they're
constantly singing in Indian movies, &
then saying Indian & Chinese classical
dancing was like comparing oranges to...
(I forget what she said, but it was
ridiculous & we both laughed)