June 15
Was thinking if its hard
for you to get time to come
over, I could always come
to you. If I took only a
dozen shots I'd probably
have enough material for
six portraits!!!
Anyway, whatever works for
you is fine with me :)
Fran hi just sent
some pics to your
Totally loving this cool
rainy weather!:) Hope
ur getting your fair
share on the island
[Wow!! I just checked
them out & Wow!!!!
They are brilliant and i
would love to see you
on the island, my
parents are here July
10-20 but other than
that & other than work
im pretty much free]
June 16
Can't wait to see you! I
just know your next
portrait(s) are going to
be amazing!!
[Me too!! It's been too
long, I'm so excited to
strike a pose]
June 22
Fran hi, don't know
what your sched is but
was wondering if you
had time this weekend
or next week for pics?
Whatever works for
you. I'm thinking the art
we make this summer/
fall will be totally epic!!
[Hi Richard, my parents
don't come till July
10-20, i do have
Monday off this
weekend, I'm in the
recording studio until
2 pm but them am free
after that]
Monday works for me.
Let me know a time &
place to meet & i'll be
there! Will be awesome
to start the next portrait!!
[Omg are you serious
I'm so excited!! Monday
2 pm my address is... ]
Awesome!! See u
monday & have a lovely
weekend! Can't wait to
hear what you've been
working on!
June 27
Found your place but
I'm guessing you're at
the studio. Hope its
going well. Talk to u in
[I am home & I buzzed
you in, come back]
Sorry be right there
Hi Fran, just got in. It
was so great to see
you again!! The shots
are absolutely
STUNNING!! You are
the BEST!!
Text you the minute i
start your next portrait,
wed or thurs!
[I'm so glad you're
home safe!! I had an
amazing time with
you!! Thank you for
coming all the way out
here!! I'm so excited]
June 30
Hi Fran shout out to
let you know i've
started your next
portrait. Doing the
theme we discussed
& you're totally
striking in it!! Won't
take long to do &
should be able to send
it to you next
week :)
[Hi Richard I'm so very
excited for the next
piece. Thank you so much
for coming over to see
me, it was lovely!!
Have an amazing
[I think I have
your battery charger,
would you like me to
mail it to you?]
Oh dear! Call me Mr.
Forgetful! Guess it
would be a good idea to
mail it. Thanks Fran!
sorry for the
And thank you so much
for showing my art the
way you do!!!
July 6
Fran hi finished your
portrait yesterday. I'll
photograph it this
morning & send it to
your facebook this
afternoon. Think you
look striking in it!
Hope you like it :)
[Omgomgomg I'm so
Fran hi! hope you like this
latest portrait. I think
your look/pose is stunning.
Hope you can see the original
soon. When you look at it up
close it has this sort of
ethereal quality which isn't
totally captured in the photo
[Omg I freaking love it!! You
are an amazing artist & always
capture the emotions I'm trying
to convey!! I can't wait to show
my parents :) It's unbelievable,
soooooo awesome!! Thank
you so much :D]
Link to collage & prose
by Frangelica