Text Messages:
Oct 28
Fran hi, about half way
through the last
portrait before i start
working on the
November book on
tuesday. It has a long
title: 'Frangelica
contemplating A Black
Widow in the Dark Net
Hope you received the
prints okay
Nov 11
Fran hi, finished your
portrait more than a
week ago but there's a
problem. I'll try to fix it
& send it to you next
week. Hope your
halloween rocked!
Nov 13
[Hi Richard, I got the
prints! Thank you so
much. I'm sending zen
vibes to fix the problem,
are you ok?]
Nov 22
[Hi Richard :) it's so
beautiful. You did an
awesome job!! Miss
you too]
Look at that eyebrow.... fierce
21st (Friday)
Text from Rose, [Sorry Richard, my manager
will be coming in tomorrow so I won't be able
to pop out. Can we try for next week? Rose]
Text from Fran this morning, [Hey Richard :)
Hopefully I get them!! Hope all is good in
the Davie hood!!] Finishing work on the box
set, & stretching paper for the next portrait
of Fran. Dropped in on Reanne. Missed a photo
of her dressed in black, leaning against the
wall where the heat register was. 'Girl from
Trinidad' trying to stay warm. Described the
idea for the portrait, 'Frangelica
Contemplating the Black Widow'. She had some
intriguing comments that I should have
written down
22nd (Saturday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Some nice drama at Wrigley Field tonight. Nice
to see the Cubs win the pennant
23rd (Sunday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Mild autumn day, sunshine now & then through the
24th (Monday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Text from Eve this morning, [Hi Richard!!!! How
are things? Haven't spoken to you in ages.] [I
ended up getting hired by Canada Post but ended
up not wanting it]
25th (Tuesday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Text reply from Eve, to a message from yesterday
[Yeah, we'll need to find a time. I'm running on
a 6 day work shift for the season]
26th (Wednesday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Text from Susan saying she's having a hard time
finding a good doctor in West Van. Asked, [Did you
find out what was wrong with your computer?]
27th (Thursday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
28th (Friday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Photographed Rose at The Temple this morning, on
the Howe St side. Totally enjoyable talking with
her, describing how much she loves the autumn
weather & colors. She has a nice sense of beauty
Dropped in on Reanne, who told me she'll be going
to Bowen Island, for some type of ceremony during
the next full moon
29th (Saturday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Dark, rainy day for the most part
30th (Sunday) [A Black Widow in the Dark Net]
Some late afternoon sun
31st (Monday)
Working on webpages, & purchased Nikon Coolpix
A900 for the November book