Link to
Rose Nguyen's
Autumn Afternoon
Text Messages:
Feb 28
Hi Rose! The pics we
took turned out so well
that i decided to start a
new portrait!
[Oh wow! I'm so excited!]
Mar 2
Rose, hi. Shout out to
let u know i finished the
portrait. Have to say it
came together
[Wow I'm so excited to
see it!]
26th (Sunday)
Reviewing math pages at Koerner. Texted Reanne about how
chilly it was in the library. She texted back later in the
evening, [Oh man I was off today. Back at it tomorrow. Hope
u got some nice tea in u!]
27th (Monday) [Rose Nguyen : 1075 W. Georgia]
Texted Fran this morning about the idea for 'The Quantum
Portrait'. Dark, heavy rain
28th (Tuesday) [Rose Nguyen : 1075 W. Georgia]
Text from Fran, [Hey Richard sorry for the late reply,
family emergency! Look forward to seeing the pics] Texted
Rose this afternoon, 'Hi Rose! The pics we took turned
out so well that I decided to start a new portrait!
Should be finished on the weekend! She texted back a
minute later, [Oh wow! I'm so excited!] Dark, cold, heavy
rain continues. Watching 'Blade Runner' as the rain poured
29th (Wednesday [Rose Nguyen]
30th (Thursday) [Rose Nguyen : 1075 W. Georgia]
Chatting with Radka at the entrance, who described how
she was running along the seawall to the 'Indian Statue'
Text from Reanne this afternoon, [Guess who is officially
divorced today!!!] With the 'cartoon' holding a flag that
said 'Team Awesome!! Totally proud of how u handled the
whole situation!' Texted back the 'cartoon' pumping her
fist, 'Yusssssss.' Sunny, quite warm, first jacket-free day
Dropped in on Rose, who was charming as always, & looking
forward to seeing the portrait. Overcast, no rain
1st (Saturday) [Rose Nguyen : 1075 W. Georgia]
Stayed in all day, resting an aching foot
2nd (Sunday) [Rose Nguyen : 1075 W. Georgia]
Sunny, with a brisk wind all day. Texted Rose tonight,
'Rose hi! shout out to let u know I finished the portrait
Have to say it came together beautifully.' She texted
back a minute later, [Wow I'm so excited to see it!]
3rd (Monday)
Dropped in on Rose, & made plans for her to see the
portrait on Wednesday afternoon. Talked to Radhika for
the first time in weeks. Was very affable & showed me
some of the photographs she'd taken on her phone
Texted Reanne, who texted back later in the afternoon,
[Sorry to hear ur foot prevented u from enjoying the
weather] [Sounds great. I hope u feel better] with
4th (Tuesday)
Overcast, with some light rain in the evening