Portrait of Frangelica Atherton

Frangelica in the Summer of Seventeen   (Portrait of Frangelica Atherton)

Opus Watercolour, medium
September 2017

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text message [Richard to Susan]

September 28
This is the portrait of
Fran I was telling u
about. Just finished it


journal entry

29th (Friday) [Summer of Seventeen]
Texted Susuan from Harbour Centre, 'Thank
you Susan! I'm sending it to her on Monday.
I'll let u know if she responds at all.'
[Why wouldn't she?! I would be honoured]
Dropped in on Reanne at 309 & texted her
the portrait from inside the shop to see how
it looked on her phone. [Google aura colors]
she replied

text message [Richard to Fran]

October 3
Fran hi! hoping you like
this portrait version of
your beautiful

I only noticed
yesterday that it's the
17th drawing I've done
of you. That's not
including the four large
drawings or any of the
collages. Hoping that
you're in the best of
health & feeling good,
and that I'll see you
again soon. I miss you
so much

If you were wondering,
the line 'She could take
the breath away from
heaven' is from a
george harrison song,
more or less. Btw your
cover photo with the
chairs is so totally
dope... love your
graphic art!!

[Holy cow it's
gorgeous!! Thank you
so much Richard!!
What an awesome line
you really outdid
yourself this time!!

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