art again. Would love to
hear that everything is ok
Jan 9
journal entry
Taking pics of Radka by the Xmas tree in the
lobby, & then she came up to see the drawing.
Loved what she had to say about it... Believes
the concept is more complete with the hammer
included & liked the contrast of colors in the
Jan 26
text messages [Richard : Fran]
Fran are u still out
there? Miss you
wherever you are. A
few days ago when I
heard that warning
alert in the middle of
the night, all I could
think about was you
[Hi Richard, yes I am,
hope you are well]
I'm ok, but I'm
guessing you didn't
care much for the last
drawing. Wish I knew
what was wrong
[You get upset when I
don't respond
immediately or in a
way you want me to]
Jan 27
Hey Fran, the last thing
on earth I intended was
to come across
sounding like that. I'm
sorry. I suppose the
deepest truth about the
drawing is that the
crucified artist is a
victim of his own
insecurities &
impatience. But
drawings, like text
messages, can easily
be misunderstood & I
promise I won't display
it anywhere if you're
not happy with it
[I adore every drawing
and would love to
continue working with
All I really want to do is
create art that you're
inspired to be a part of.
All I can hope is that
you'll find it in your
heart sometime to give
me another chance.
Have an awesome
weekend & happy to
see Man City doing so
It looks like our
messages overlapped
there. I won't let you
[missed you]
missed you too so much