text messages Richard : Fran
Apr 4
Hi Fran hoping to start
your new portrait in a
day or two. That wool
hat you're wearing has
a Jamaican feel to it.
Thinking it might be
kind of dope to have a
sort of Tinseltown/
Ganja/ Bob Marley feel
to the background. If
this doesn't sound ok
to u, let me know & I'll
figure out something
Hoping your Man City
team rocks today
against Beatles FC
yeah yeah yeah!
[Hi Richard, I forgot to
tell you how dope the
symbols are in your
last portrait! Very
awesome! I'm not sure
how I feel about the
Jamaican vibe, I
always hate it when
white girls try to pull off
that vibe, it reminds me
that I come from a
country that has tried
to destroy any culture
other than their own.
What do you think?]
Apr 5
Hey Fran, we could
have an intriguing
discussion about this,
and on reflexion I'm
thinking you're
probably right. I'll go
back to my original
idea for the
background. Still
haven't sorted it all out
but I'm pretty sure
you'll be ok with it. I'll
start it tom & it should
be finished before/20
If u were wondering,
the orange & blue/
green background of
your last portrait is a
segment of wall from
the temple of Ishtar
[I bet we could have an
intriguing discussion -
we are intriguing
people! I love that you
incorporated a
segment from the
temple of Ishtar that is
utterly wonderful]
Apr 6
I think you're right Fran,
we are both of us
intriguing people and
I'm totally convinced
too, that u have the
most beautiful eyes in
the whole damn
Can't wait to start your
portrait this morning
[Ahahaha I do like my
eyes! Sending creative
zen vibes]
Apr 17
Hi Fran! So I finished
your portrait late last
night. It has a different
feel to it than the
previous two. Think
Botticelli meets Lucien
Freud, with music by
Lennon/McCartney. I'll
photograph it tomorrow
& send it to u thurs.
Have an awesome day
[Richard I am so
excited to see it!! I'm
not sure I'll sleep until
I've seen it]
Apr 18
[1 more sleep!]
Get it to u first thing in
the morning. You look
fabulous as usual!
[Yay! Thank you so
much Richard!!]
Apr 19
In this portrait I see u
as sort of heavenly,
and intriguing in so
many ways! The music
is from the first few
bars of "I've Just Seen
a Face" [from the
american release of
of Rubber Soul] The lyrics
in that song perfectly
express how I felt the
first time I met you at
the shop on Davie
So tomorrow I'm toking
up in honour of your
beautiful eyes and
everything else I like
about you!!
[Wow! You out did
yourself on this one
absolutely stunning
and perfect in every
way! Absolutely
brilliant Richard!! Thank
you so much this is
one of my favourites
for sure top 5 you are
a genius]
[I will toke up for you
and your brilliance]
You're the best Fran!
Sending u a collage &
photograph from the
book on mon. Have an
awesome weekend!
[You too!! I adore this
portrait, I really love it!
You made my week!!
Have an awesome
weekend too!]