journal entries
28th (Thursday)
Mostly overcast, cool. Work on webpages
29th (Friday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Dark, with a light rain falling this morning
& afternoon
30th (Saturday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Text from Eve, [ u want to go to Templeton
soon? I have a craving for poutine]. Anna totally
charming at Shoppers this afternoon. Would love
to do a portrait. 'Girl from the Central
Philipinne Island of Leyte' [?] Began reading the
Paul Simon bio, 'Homeward Bound'
2nd (Monday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Hummingbird in the trees outside the kitchen window
Some nice World Cup drama this afternoon, Belgium/
Japan. Work on webpages
3rd (Tuesday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Slightly warmer today
4th (Wednesday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Text from Fran this morning, [Hi Richard, I'm still
in the Okanagan, my sister-in-law is having a baby
Hope all is good, be home soon.' Pleasant talk with
Radka outside, who described her visit to Moby
Dick's in White Rock, & is looking forward
to seeing the latest portrait. 'I love butterflies!'
she told me. Recommended that I try red wine mixed
with Coke, which is popular in the Czech Republic,
she told me. Work on webpages
5th (Thursday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Another pleasant talk with Radka, in the lobby
Work on webpages. Text from Reanne this evening,
[That's awesome sounding Richard!] [Yes I'm
fully recovered now. Let's grab a coffee for sure]
6th (Friday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Text from Eve this morning, [Do you mind if we
meet up next Sat instead? The other night some
insect bit my cheek and I'm swelled up like a
ballon on 1 side of my face atm lol. I had to
take the day off today coz it was so bad] [And yes
Templeton brunch][I plan to have poutine with my
breakfast] Work on webpages
7th (Saturday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Text from Reanne, [Sounds beautiful, it's gonna be
a great summer for sure][I look forward to seeing it!]
Work on webpages
8th (Sunday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
9th (Monday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
The comforting sound of rain against the window late
this evening. Work on webpages
10th (Tuesday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Texted Eve, who replied, [Yah I was pretty bad Friday
& the weekend. Didn't leave my apt at all][My entire
cheek was swollen]
14th (Saturday) [Butterflies of Trinidad]
Talking with Susan, who had the exact same stomach
virus, telling me it was rampant at the moment
'Everyone & their sister has it.' Had a good laugh
comparing all the disgusting symptoms
15th (Sunday)
Photographed the drawing & put together the
webpages. World Cup Croatia/France & Wimbledon,
won by Djokovic. Clear skies, warm temperatures