The American Nazis

photo collage
July 2018

nazi rally at msg

22nd (Sunday)
Some nice drama at the British Open, won by
  Photo Collage

23rd (Monday)
Hot weather continues. Text from Fran this
morning, [Hi Richard, I hope you are
feeling much better! Sorry for the late
reply. I went camping and left my phone at
home - bliss! The Medieval Madonna is just
glorious! Everything you do is so
  Photo Collages

24th (Tuesday)
Exchanging texts with Eve this morning, who
has issues with insects again, [Ohhh I got
bitten by mosquitoes last night lol]
Texted Reanne this morning, who replied,
[Oh dear!!! I didn't see ur texts until
now! I don't always have wi-fi out here
I've been camping at Shuswap] [We are
leaving for Cranbrook on the 2nd and back
on the 10th]
  Photo Collages

25th (Wednesday)
Text from Kiyeon this morning, [Hi~ do you
have a time tomorrow lunch? Plz come to my
home tomorrow!! And lets see 12:30 pm at
Burquitlam Station. I can pick you up!]
Text from Eve, with an intriguing photoshop
print. I replied, 'Haha! That's classic
Very Itlian Renaissance! Looks like something
Caravaggio might have done if there were
electric fans back in the day
  Photo Collage

26th (Thursday)
Texted Fran about the idea for a new portrait
of her. She replied, [Hi Richard, I'd love to
see your new piece even if I'm not in it. I'm
totally cool with a new portrait] 'I'll
photograph it today & send it to u tomorrow
Actually it's not a portrait, it's a still
life. And I promise the new portrait will
totally rock! [Amazing I can't wait!! As soon
as the family stuff has died down I'll be back
in Van for a visit]. Texted Kiyeon that I
couldn't make it out to Coquitlam for lunch
because of my foot problems. She replied, [I
hope you are getting better. Take care~ I gana
calling you~ later]. Which she did. Work on

27th (Friday)
Texted Fran a couple of the still life drawings
of shoes, the wedgeheel flipflops & the 'Black
Shoes & Roses'. She replied, [Oh my days! They
are incredibly beautiful, the second one is my
  Photo Collages

28th (Saturday)   [Blue Moon Portrait]
Clear, warm weather continues