22nd (Sunday)
Some nice drama at the British Open, won by
Photo Collage
23rd (Monday)
Hot weather continues. Text from Fran this
morning, [Hi Richard, I hope you are
feeling much better! Sorry for the late
reply. I went camping and left my phone at
home - bliss! The Medieval Madonna is just
glorious! Everything you do is so
Photo Collages
24th (Tuesday)
Exchanging texts with Eve this morning, who
has issues with insects again, [Ohhh I got
bitten by mosquitoes last night lol]
Texted Reanne this morning, who replied,
[Oh dear!!! I didn't see ur texts until
now! I don't always have wi-fi out here
I've been camping at Shuswap] [We are
leaving for Cranbrook on the 2nd and back
on the 10th]
Photo Collages
25th (Wednesday)
Text from Kiyeon this morning, [Hi~ do you
have a time tomorrow lunch? Plz come to my
home tomorrow!! And lets see 12:30 pm at
Burquitlam Station. I can pick you up!]
Text from Eve, with an intriguing photoshop
print. I replied, 'Haha! That's classic
Very Itlian Renaissance! Looks like something
Caravaggio might have done if there were
electric fans back in the day
Photo Collage
26th (Thursday)
Texted Fran about the idea for a new portrait
of her. She replied, [Hi Richard, I'd love to
see your new piece even if I'm not in it. I'm
totally cool with a new portrait] 'I'll
photograph it today & send it to u tomorrow
Actually it's not a portrait, it's a still
life. And I promise the new portrait will
totally rock! [Amazing I can't wait!! As soon
as the family stuff has died down I'll be back
in Van for a visit]. Texted Kiyeon that I
couldn't make it out to Coquitlam for lunch
because of my foot problems. She replied, [I
hope you are getting better. Take care~ I gana
calling you~ later]. Which she did. Work on
27th (Friday)
Texted Fran a couple of the still life drawings
of shoes, the wedgeheel flipflops & the 'Black
Shoes & Roses'. She replied, [Oh my days! They
are incredibly beautiful, the second one is my
Photo Collages
28th (Saturday) [Blue Moon Portrait]
Clear, warm weather continues