text messages Richard : Fran
May 7
So I'm going through
the old 'empress' shots
later. I'm thinking
there's a classic
portrait in there waiting
to be rediscovered
[Hi Richard I'm still off
work, still having throat
issues I'm sure I will
start feeling better
soon! How are you
doing Richard? Very
excited to hear about
the empress pic!!]
There's at least one
more beautiful portrait
in those pics for sure!
The black & white
dress u were wearing
was striking! So I'm
feeling great &
sending more healing
vibes across the water
to you
May 11
Fran hi! hope that ur
feeling well again! So
the past few days I've
been fighting off a virus
too, but I feel ok now
Starting your new
portrait on Monday. It
has a Degas/Renoir
French Impressionist
feel to it, but with
added GLAM in capital
[Hi Richard, so sorry
you're not feeling well!
You need lots of rest!
Sending those healing
vibes I'm still not
feeling well, I'm
supposed to be flying
out to Manchester next
week so hopefully I get
May 14
Hi Fran, took your
advice & rested this
weekend. Feeling great
& hope you are too!
Hope u have a great
vacation over there,
and I'm guessing your
new portrait should be
finished before u get
June 5
Hi Fran! hoping to hear
your throat is
completely cured &
you're feeling good
So I'm finishing up your
portrait later today. I'll
photograph it tomorrow
& send it to you on
thursday. Don't think it
would be exaggerating
to say u look
MAJESTIC in this one
June 6
[Hi Richard, just got
back from blighty
Throat is much better, I
cannot wait to see this
portrait how are you
Hey Fran, glad you're
back safe & sound and
on the mend! So your
portrait has the colour
& feel of a certain
Renoir, with the
sensuality of those
paintings at ancient
Pompeii. Send it to u
tomorrow bright & early
[Thanks Richard! I'm
heading off to the
okanagan next, my
health is much better I
cannot wait to see the
portrait it sounds
Forgot to mention it's
titled 'Empress : The
Boa Portrait'
June 7
So this is a companion
piece to 'Empress of
the Orient' & The
Empress [card] collage
The boa complements
the dragon in the other
drawing, and is a sort
of incarnation of the
feather boa you're
wearing Hoping u like
it You were totally
magical in that photo
session !!
Fran, I'm dying to do
another large format
drawing with you
Would love to describe
the ideas over tea
somewhere downtown,
in sunny Victoria. I can
come anytime that
works for you. Would
be awesome if we
could get together
sometime this month
[Omg I am in shock it's
absolutely epic!! You
are amazing]
[She looks so regal]
[We need to do another
photo shoot! I'm in the
okanagan for 10 days
then I'm planning on a
Vancouver trip! But I
will be back in vic
in 10 days and we
could totally go for a
coffee and a chat!]
That would be
awesome! Have a great
trip & talk to u when u
get back!!
[Totally blown away by
this portrait thank you
so much]