Josef Vissarionovich Stalin
I was the most savage dog amongst those dogs
that called themselves Bolsheviks. Politburo. Communist Central Committee
Who murdered the Romanov children, their mother
their father.
(Moscow does not believe in tears)
Who liquidated 5 million Kulaks
starved to death 6 million Ukrainians.
another 8 million I had liquidated as enemies of the state
35,000 Red Army Officers shot.
My wife Nadezhda chose to shoot herself.
A single death is a tragedy
a million deaths a mere statistic.
You ask me when will I stop the killing?
When it's no longer necessary.
15th (Sunday)
US Open this afternoon. Won by Els
after Lehman hits water at 17th
16th (Monday) [Nike]
Cool, breezy, dark, rainy evening
Reading Lisa's poetry, which I
got in the mail this morning, at
17th (Tuesday) [Nike]
18th (Wednesday)
Bizarre day. Sitting with Shari in
Appeals Court. Listening to the
lawyers arguments, & S buzzing
commentary, in a whisper, into my
19th (Thursday) [Nike]
20th (Friday) [Nike]
Sitting beside a beautiful blonde
woman on Skytrain out to
McPherson. Chatting & gossip with
21st (Saturday) [Nike]
Met an interesting Russian woman
at Cathy's this afternoon, whose
name is Tatiana. Whose middle
name too is the same as the grand
duchess, which was very strange
Visited Cathy's house on Cambie,
met her husband & son, who were
very friendly
22nd (Sunday) [Nike]
23rd (Monday) [Nike]
24th (Tuesday) [Nike]
25th (Wednesday) [Nike]
26th (Thursday) [Math]