Letters from Japan

Hi, Richard!! How are you?!

Have you seen any movies at the film festival?!
Unfortunately I couldn't make it. I've been caught in a traffic jam.
I've seen some movies but those're garbage, except 'Donnie Danko'.
Now I'm so excited to see 'Gargoyle' best casting!!
I went to Vincent Gallo retrospective. They were emotional, very sensitive
art work which drawing on iron plates with scratch, manhole cover &
photographs. I've liked him since I've seen his movie 'Buffalo 66' and
I like him more than ever. He's so eccentric & starved for love
& I can't sleep without his music for now. It's like squeeze in my heart
funny, it reminds me cold rainy day in Vancouver... Sentimental?
I like sensitive person because I am super sensitive...
Well, I'm sending you a couple of article from Japanese newspaper.
You might know them. they're famous in Japanese art.
      Enjoy your work!!


checkout → Drunken Angel by Kurosawa. better than Dream

japanese woodblock print
sketch of michie