Letters from Japan

How are you doing? I hope you are good.
Thank you for your photos the other day.
I wrote what I felt about them at E-mail.
You have a good insight and good power of

I think you are good abstraction artist,
because you can draw such a great graphically
picture. Don't you draw abstraction picture?

This summer was very strange in Japan, too.
Japan was so wet. Rainy, rainy, rainy...
I heard serious fire forest in B.C...
North Vancouver and Burnaby around there...
In October, I watched big fire in California
at TV.
Now in Vancouver it is rainy season, isn't it?

Last fall I had strange head ache, stiff shoulders,
and so on... So, the doctors said "You have
to stop sewing, knitting and something to make!"
And I stopped everything.
But now I'm good! I started making!!
Last month, I made a "welcome board" for my
friend's wedding.
One side was welcome board and the other side was
Name plate. My friend ordered colors and
to put picture of roses.
  Roses were very difficult to draw for me!
Leaves were too small...
She loves wine red rose, so I put this board
to a ring and decorated with roses.

Now I'm pregnant! I will give birth in

I was troubled with morning sickness, but
now I'm O.K...
My stomach became large with child!
I made a dress for wedding party to fit
my now's style.

I like to draw post card still. Recently I
draw something easy pattern with my son!!

The winter has almost come!
Take care,

Yuko Murayama

japanese woodblock print