Link to 5 Photo Portraits
of Anna
2nd (Monday)
Text from Eve early this morning, [So we lose our
job. I am now officially jobless and have to look
for new work]
3rd (Tuesday) [Portrait of Anna]
Enjoyable conversation with Radka, who is happy
with the new property manager, & looked good with
her hair down
4th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Anna]
Chatting with Aleyah. Both of us looking forward
to cooler autumn weather
5th (Thursday) [Portrait of Anna]
Text from Kiyeon, [Hi~How are you ~ Can we see
tomorrow? 10:30? At food court where we used to
6th (Friday) [Portrait of Anna]
Text from Eve, just before 9am, [Trying to job
hunt is stressful becoz I'm not sure what kind
of job I want] [Lets meet up next week]. Met
Kiyeon at Royal Centre, & played the role of
English tutor, with a break for a bowl of chicken
pho. Dropped in on Subway, & had a pleasant chat
with Rizza, who I hadn't talked to all summer
Strongly recommended she buy a small air
conditioner. Texts from Myle with pics of the
girls. [Maegan's 2nd day of school]
7th (Saturday) [Portrait of Anna]
Nice to see the Canadian girl win the U.S. Open
8th (Sunday) [Portrait of Anna]
Nice to see Nadal win the U.S. Open
9th (Monday) [Portrait of Anna]
Heavy rain on Davie a little past mid-afternoon
Text from Eve, [The Rain]. Finished the Ray
Manzarek bio, 'Light My Fire]
10th (Tuesday) [Portrait of Anna]
Text from Kiyeon, [Hi Richard ~ Could you move
the day to Thursday 10:30?]
11th (Wednesday) [Portrait of Anna]
Text from Kiyeon, [Hi I am really sorry that I
need to change the time for 11am ~ Is it ok?]
An interesting talk with Louise (from 2nd floor)
on Burnaby
12th (Thursday)
Text from Eve this morning, [Let's meet up
Monday for lunch? And hope for some nice mild
Fall weather] Some English tutoring with Kiyeon
upstairs at the library