25th (Monday)
Text from Myle of Shawn & the girls with Santa
26th (Tuesday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Finished 'Eric Clapton Autobiography'
27th (Wednesday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Began Patti Boyd autobiography
28th (Thursday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Text from Eve late this evening, [We gottta make time
to meet up sometime before Christmas] [I've been swamped
at work at the print shop. Still working more than I
thought I would]
29th (Friday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Clear, cold weather continues
30th (Saturday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Exchanging texts with Susan
1st (Sunday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Cold, dry, overcast
2nd (Monday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Overcast, dark, wet, misty
3rd (Tuesday) [Still Life Homage to Lou Reed]
Overcast, dry
4th (Wednesday)
Sent a text to Myle lamenting my internet/tv/phone
connection being severed. Spent the day composing
emails & texts that I'll send tomorrow