journal entries
19th (Sunday)
Nice to see Kansas City back in the Super Bowl, after half
a century
20th (Monday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Rajvir describing how her sister reacted to the snow
21st (Tuesday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Texted Eve, 'The snow was kinda fun, but I don't miss the
cold.' She replied, [It wasn't too bad]
22nd (Wednesday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Heavy rain
23rd (Thursday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Texted Fran the 'Frangelica as Art' collages & 'Homage to
Lou Reed, and Anna a photo of the portrait outline. Fran
texted, [Oh wow Richard, this is spectacular, thank you
for sharing!!!] Anna texted, [This is going to be so cool!
Thank you so much for the updates! Looking forward to the
final piece!!!]
24th (Friday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Text from Eve, [Now that the snow is over the crazy rain
25th (Saturday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
'Hannah & Her Sisters' tonight
26th (Sunday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Golf this morning & afternoon, & the news about Kobe
27th (Monday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Talking with Kiyeon on the phone this morning, who was
waiting for her Korean English tutor to arrive,
lamenting the fact the fee was $70/hr. Email from Fran,
who loved 'The Unforgettable Fire', saying it moved her
to tears
28th (Tuesday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Pleasant conversation with Minako at Kins. Every time I
leave I'm thinking I have to do a portrait of her
29th (Wednesday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Making rain, late afternoon sun
30th (Thursday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Enjoyable chat with Susan on the phone
31st (Friday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
Exchanging texts with Eve, who is thinking of doing a
drawing but can't decide on a subject. I suggested
mushrooms. [Ohh ok I can do mushrooms] [What else shoud
I put in there
1st (Saturday) [A Portrait in Emerald & Greens]
After yesterday's monsoon rains, mostly sunny with a
2nd (Sunday)
Nice to see Kansas City Chiefs win, 50 years after
watching (my) first Super Bowl (IV) back home in
3rd (Monday)
Text from Eve, [I want a new sketch book. Lol I'm at
Opus browsing], and later, [I bought a sketch book and
a watercolor one 6X8 size]
4th (Tuesday)
Text from Myle this evening, [My weight today] Which was
112.8 lbs, [15 lbs to go]