text messages Richard : [Fran]
Mar 31
[Richard how are you
Hey Fran! avoiding
the bug so far &
trusting you're ok too
Finished a portrait
collage of you just
yesterday, from your
'cat' pic Sending it to
your email tomorrow
Take care & be safe!
[Good, just checking in
to make sure you're
healthy and happy. I
love everything feline,
I can't wait take care
and be safe too!]
Apr 4
Hi Fran just sent
the latest collages to your
email Totally looking
forward to doing the
nexty portrait of you!
[Oh wow! love love
love them! For some
reason I'm getting a
pink panther vibe and
loving it!>
[Thank you so much
for sharing with me]
Hey Fran you really
are the best!!!
[So are you!!!]
email messages Richard : [Fran]
Apr 1
Hey Fran, you did a great job with the makeup in this pic!
but makeup aside
it was a lovely image of you! Wish I
could have photographed you that evening
So for this photo portrait/collage I collected a
bunch of cat pics off the internet, including
Felix the Cat (cartoon), but I ended up just using
the silhouette image. Sometimes less is more
Apr 4
[Thank you Richard, this was my Halloween face for work last year.
I took the picture myself in the boardroom
because I liked the way I popped against the wall colour.
I adore Frangelicat, I freaking love it! You did an incredible job!!!]