1st (Wednesday)
Sent Fran the 'Frangelicatz' & the 'Spring
Break' collages to Fran, who replied [Oh Wow
I love love them!...] 'Hey Fran you really
are the best!!!' [So are you!!!]
3nd (Friday)
Lovely email from Fran, who sent along some
pics, and Myle texted a pic of little Shawn
Work on webpages
4th (Saturday)
Cold, overcast, wet this morning, admixture
again in the afternoon. Work on webpages
5th (Sunday) [Frangelica's Corona Blues]
Bright sunshine
6th (Monday) [Frangelica's Corona Blues]
Exchanging texts with Fran, and Eve
7th (Tuesday)
Clear weather. Work on webpages
8th (Wednesday)
Taking shots in the nearly deserted downtown,
& chatting with Lani at the Bute store