text messages Richard : [Myle]
Sept 7
[Took me forever to lose
1 lb]
But you're trending in
the right direction! :)
Stay positive!
Starting my own new
program too Text u
from Saturna island
tomorrow if i go
[Nice, take pics]
Sept 9
Shout out from
Saturna Island! Say
hi to little Shaun & the
girls for me :)
guessing they're in
[Btw it's Shawn]
[Only Maegan]
[Beautiful view]
Oh dear! Think I've
messed up on all the
kids names at one time
or another :( the
hornet in my beer was
distracting me lol
OMG! Now there's a
grasshopper in my
beer! :(
text messages Richard : [Fran]
Hey Fran, shout out
from Saturna Island!
I'm up here on the
ridge with the eagles
and the ravens it's
[Richard it looks
absolutely divine!! Is it
[The ravens are my
I've been coming up
here for like 25 years &
I've never seen it so
hazy From the heat
I'm guessing Blocked
out the view of the
olympic mtns
It's raven paradise up
here they have this
sort of haunting cry
through the big trees
Totally magical!!!
[I love that! We had
smoke in Victoria for
the last 2 days that
made everything hazy
from Washington state,
I'm glad you can't smell
it, it's gross lol]
text messages Richard : [Eve]
Shout out from
Saturna Island!
Actually made it to the
top In good time too!
[Wow you out there]
text messages Richard : [Susan]
Shout out from Saturna
[Voicemail 1 New 0
text messages Richard : [Fran]
Sept 22
Sent some Saturna
Island & English Bay
pics to your email
Hope you're feeling
great :) and I'm
totally looking forward
to doing the next
portrait of you! lol
[Richard I love the
pictures from Saturna,
the difference between
the pictures from
Saturna and English
Bay is incredible. The
smokey pics looks like a
foggy December day.
I'm so happy you went
despite the world
falling apart a bit
I will send you some
pics on the weekend
Thank you so much for
sharing with me.]