text message Richard : [Fran]
Mar 29
... Sending six prints to
your email this
morning and seven
new prints tomorrow
made from the pics
you sent last week
that I think turned out
fabulous!! Hope you
had a beautiful
weekend!! sending
love & a gentle
fairyship reggata of
healing vibes across
the water
[...I absolutely remember
doing the photo shoot
outside of the
Erikson building, do
you remember the
date of the shoot we
did there (or close to)?
I remember having an
epiphany that day and
I just want to make
sure I'm remembering
it properly
You blow me away
with your creative
genius!!! My favourite
out of the 6 pics
you sent me is
Homage to Erikson
with me looking down
I adore all of them! I
love 'that girl from
Manchester' it has a
very 70s vibe to it
Frangelica's Soda Bar
Blues art are just
fabulous. It's giving
me an idea to dress
up as a 1950's Soda
Shop server, what do
you think?
Thank you from the
bottom of my heart for
allowing me to be part
of your masterpieces!
Sending love with zen
vibes I hope you
have a lovely day!!]
OMG! I would LOVE to
do a large format
drawing of you as the
50's soda bar server
That would be
Let's do it!!! And I'll
check my journals and
get that date for
tomorrow Can't wait
to start the next
drawing of you!
Mar 30
Hi Fran, so I checked it
out & the date of the
shoot was July 3
2014, a Thursday
Tomorrow I'll send you
the whole journal entry
from that day...
[Awesome!! Thank you
Richard it was that
day during the shoot I
decided I was going to
leave the awful
relationship I was in at
the time]