Frangelica contemplating a Garden of Earthly Delights

Fabriano Artistico, medium cold press
October 2021

text messages   Richard : [Fran]

Sept 8
[Richard   I love this pic,
I took it yesterday, no makeup
but a soft filter
I hope you're feeling better!!
Sending lots of love and

Fran   your timing is
miraculous!! I love
this pic!! I just love it!!
I was dying to do a
new portrait of you
and I promise to
create something
special     and I'm
feeling great heading
into autumn :)

Sept 9
[I'm so happy you love
it!! I'm still working on
pandemic pearls, I
can't seem to get the
right shots]

Fran I'm sure the
pandemic pearls will be
fabulous!! I'll be
starting your new
portrait right after I
finish the little
watercolour I started a
couple of days ago   I
have an idea for this
portrait that's quite
different than anything
we've done before
Sending you a double
serving of love & light
and blossoms de jour!!!

...and you really do
have the most beautiful

[I can't wait to see the
watercolour painting!!
Thank you for the
beautiful blossom de
jour   sending you a
double serving of love
and light   thank you
so much Richard!!]

Sept 16
Fran hope you're
having a fabulous
second week of
autumn! I'll be
finishing the
watercolour this
afternoon (at last!) I'll
photograph it
tomorrow and send it
to you on the weekend

  And I'm totally
amped about starting
your new portrait next
week!!! Sending you a
cool autumn wave of
healing vibes & love
and a blossom de jour
I edited this morning

Sept 21
Fran just sent some
pics to your email   I'm
on my way out to see my
sister, and dad who is
in the hospital
Sending you some
post-election light &
love and another
double shot of healing
vibes!! :)

Sept 22
[Richard I'm so sorry
your Dad is in the
hospital   how is he
doing? Thank you for
sending me pics, I can't
wait to see them.   I've
had a bad migraine
since last week and it's
starting to lift which
means I can look at a
screen again.
Sending lots of healing
vibes to your Dad.
Sending you lots of
love, light and post full
moon blessings]

Sept 23
Thank you so much
Fran!! Your message
could not have come at
a better moment
yesterday! With my
Dad being so ill I was
having a tough day
emotionally,   and I was
concerned about how
you were feeling   Hate
to hear you had a tough
week :( but all things
must pass and I know
there's some beautiful
days just ahead :)
Sending you a whole
lotta love (led zeppelin
style) and the very
purest moonbeams of
healing light and love

Going to Opus this
afternoon for paper and
hope to start your new
portrait soon

Oct 1

Fran   Had to postpone
starting you portrait
as my Dad died on
Sunday afternoon.
Was very blessed
though that I got there
through the rainstorm a
half hour before he
passed away. He
couldn't speak but he
knew I was there, and it
was a very surreal sort
of healing experience
I'm thinking your vibes
worked their magic
once again!   Sending
you love & light through
this soothing autumn

[Richard I am so sorry
I'm holding you tight in
my heart!   Take your
time to grieve and work
thru the process. I'm
here for you]

Oct 4
Fran   your words have
been such a comfort to
me these past couple
of days   I was thinking
about you all weekend,
and I'll be starting your
new portrait in a few
hours   Working on your
portraits always
inspires me so much!!
you are SUCH an
amazing woman!!
Sending you a whole
lot of love and gentle
rays of autumn light

[Richard you inspire and
lift me up like nobody
else! You keep me
motivated! I've been
thinking of you and
surrounding you with
big beautiful healing
vibes to bless and
protect you. Sending
lots of love and light to
lift your spirits]

Oct 8
[Richard how are you
doing? I was driving
home from work this
evening and mother
moon looked
spectacular. I can
never capture her
grace and beauty on
camera, I think you're
the only person who
could do her justice!]

Fran   you and the moon
are both magical!! I've
been thinking about
you and your new
portrait all night!!
Here's a shot of the top
left corner I worked on
today   If this portrait
had a musical theme it
would be And I Love
Her played with
Revolution 9 from the
white album   Different
from anything we've
done before!! Sending
you some new prints
and hoping you have a
beautiful thanksgiving!!

Oct 9
Fran   wanted to
mention the portrait will
take a couple of weeks
more to finish. The
background will be
quite complex and I'm
still figuring out how to
put it all together
Hope I can pull it off

[Richard I absolutely
love the design!!! Two
of the greatest Beatles
songs, together they
make me think of pure
soulful sentiments sent
on a mysterious acid
trip into the past. You
take your time, it will be
absolute perfection as
always and I'll wait like
a li'l kid on Christmas
eve to see it with much
wonder and
anticipation! Sending
peaceful flowing
artistic vibes your way
I hope you have a
beautiful Thanksgiving

Oct 15
Fran shout out to let
you know your new
portrait is coming
to be able to send it to
you mid-week or so
Until then sending you
a double serving of
love & light for the
weekend :)   and a
bookstore kitty de jour
from '94

Oct 16
Fran   I wanted to ask

how you were feeling
lately, if the physio and
stronger meds were
working out okay   I'll
have to go in for a
hernia operation before
too long. When I
recover from the
emotional stress of the
last few weeks I'll go to
the doctor   Working on
your portrait has been
a wonderful therapy

[Richard :) I love the
bookstore photo, it
looks like it could be
from any decade in the
last 60 years. Gives me
a real vintage feel.
How are you really
doing? Are you holding
up ok? I don't know
what they do for a
hernia operation but it
sounds painful. I'm
doing good, I would say
50% of the time I'm in
minimal pain   I cannot
wait to see the portrait!!
Sending you oodles of
love and light and an
extra helping of zen]

Oct 22
Fran   I just put the
finishing touches on
your new portrait   I'll
photograph it on the
weekend and send it to
you first thing Monday.
Hoping you had an
absolute minimum of
discomfort this week &
that you have a
fabulous weekend! :)
Sending you a gift-
wrapped package of
love and light   & a kitty
dejour   [this poor cat
was either used as a
doormat or had a
serious drinking
problem :(! ]

Oct 25
[Richard my phone
hasn't been working, I
tried to send you a
response text last
week. None of my texts
were going thru and I
couldn't make phone
calls. I fixed it by
resetting my network
(thank you Google).
How are you doing?
The weather has been

gloriously stormy
today, the drive home
from work was a white
knuckle ride. Buckets
of rain one after the
other drenched my
windshield as I prayed
to the great divine and
beautiful mother nature
to get me home safely,
and they did   thank
you so much for
sending me the kitty, I
hope they found a
lovely home. Sending
you buckets of love and
light to counteract the
storm and peaceful
rainbows to bless and
protect you]

Fran you are a truly
magical woman!!! Your
timing tonite was
incredible, like surreal
Sending your portrait
tomorrow   and wishing
you the sweetest
dreams :)

Oct 26
[Fran   just sent the
new portrait to your
email with love & light,
and guidance and
protection too, from
any and all future

Oct 27
Richard you have
outdone yourself once
again!! I absolutely
adore it   I love the
background it's so
genius, it's dream-like.
It reminds me of a
midsummer night's
dream and I don't know
why, it's just giving me
that vibe. I love how
light in my eyes are in
contrast with the blank
expression on my face.
Not blank, maybe stoic,
you know what I mean.
I love the picture of my
portraits at your
house!!! Absolutely love
it. I don't know how you
do it but you get it
perfect every time!!!]

A portrait of Frangelica

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