Frangelica contemplating a Garden of Earthly Delights

Fabriano Artistico, medium cold press
October 2021

4th (Monday)
Texted Fran this morning, who replied, [Richard
you inspire and lift me up like nobody else! You
keep me motivated! I've been thinking of you and
surrounding you with big beautiful healing vibes
to bless and protect you. Sending lots of love
and light to lift your spirits

5th (Tuesday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
A very dark, rainy morning

6th (Wednesday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]

7th (Thursday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Chatting with Susan on the phone, who called to
recommend a movie on Vision

8th (Friday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Beautiful text from Fran this evening, who has
an amazing comprehension & instinct for what this
new portrait symbolizes, [...sending peaceful
flowing artistic vibes your way. I hope you have
a beautiful Thanksgiving to!!!]

9th (Saturday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Overcast, with rain

10th (Sunday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Clear weather, with a cold wind

11th (Monday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Mostly clear

12th (Tuesday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Overcast, with heavy rain this evening

13th (Wednesday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Mostly overcast

14th (Thursday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Showing Radka the outline of the drawing

15th (Friday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Dark, with steady downfall of rain

16th (Saturday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Text from Fran, [...I cannot wait to see the
portrait!! Sending you oodles of love and light
and an extra helping of zen

17th (Sunday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]

A steady diet of NFL today, beginning at 6:30am
from London. Documentary this evening on George

18th (Monday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Overcast all day, with rain

19th (Tuesday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Mixture of sun & cloud

20th (Wednesday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Heavy overcast, rain

21st (Thursday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Overcast, dark, but quite mild out

22nd (Friday)   [The Garden of Earthly Delights]
Text from Susan, [Man City tomorrow. Be there or
be square

23rd (Saturday)
Charming Japanese girl at Ayoub's on 4th. Her
name is Norika. Imparted to me that Rajvir had
returned to India

27th (Wednesday)
Text from Fran this evening, [Richard you have
outdone yourself once again!! I absolutely adore
it... I don't know how you get it perfect every

28th (Thursday)
Showing Radka the new portrait, and the text from

A portrait of Frangelica

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