Frangelica   Year of the Catz

Winsor Newton, medium cold press
March 2022

text messages   Richard : [Fran]

Mar 4
Fran   started your
new portrait yesterday
I took the pic at 4:30
this morning & I'm
working out the
background later
today. Think Lunar
New Year... but it's not
the Moon   Hoping
you had a fabulous
week & that your
weekend is totally
restful :) Sending your
email the lastest
drawing, and some
collages I'm making
some changes to, this
weekend   with a
steady flow of love,
light & inspirational

... and you still have
the most beautiful
eyes ever!!

[Richard, you were up
early!!! I'm so intrigued,
I cannot wait to see it.
How was your week? I
worked 11 and 12 hr
days every day, I will
probably sleep all day
tomorrow lol.   I'm
excited for the email!
Sending oodles of love
light and happy vibes!!!
The world feels crazy
right now so I'm
counteracting it by
channeling peace
thank you, I think my
eyes are my best

So the background of
your portrait came
together beautifully
today!! Wishing you to
have some much
deserved rest... and
sweet dreams :)

Mar 12

Fran   it's looking like
your new portrait
should be finished
sometime this
afternoon   And it turns
out that 8 years ago
today, Mar 12 was
the first day I met you! :) :)
So this portrait
will be a sort of
anniversary gift to you,
the girl with the
magical eyes!!
Sending you love &
sunbeams of warm
light thru this cold rain

Finished up your
portrait just after noon
It all came together
beautifully and you
look totally stunning!!!
Sending it to you by
UPS next week

[Happy Anniversary!!! It
feels so much longer
than 8 years. I am in
immense anticipation, I
cannot wait to see it.
You have a brilliant
way of capturing my
soul every time you
create my portrait and I
think that's because
you know my eyes are
the windows to my
Sending you lots of
love, light, serenity and
massive amounts of

journal entries

2nd (Wednesday)
Heavy downfall of rain this afternoon,
falling through rays of sunshine. Season
finale of 'The Amazing Race'

3rd (Thursday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
Morning rain, afternoon sun, quite mild temps,
a feeling of spring in the air

4th (Friday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
Exchanging texts with Fran. Told her '... and you still
have the most beautiful eyes ever'

5th (Saturday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
This evening Fran texted a lovely photo of herself
Replied to her, 'Fran, you are Divine.' [Thank you so
much Richard!]

6th (Sunday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
Sent 'Black Heels' and the 'Eden' collages to Fran's
email, before leaving for Abbotsford. She sent a lovely
long text back in the afternoon, [...Thank you for
sharing your magic with me!!!]

7th (Monday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
Overcast mostly, no rain

8th (Tuesday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
Early this morning, who do I meet at Independent Grocery
but Linda Guy! At the Bay the saleswoman sees the birthdate
on my DL, turns out she was born just 3 weeks after me, and
she lived downstairs in 301 for 12 years! Walking down the
old staircase, from 6 to Main

9th (Wednesday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
Clear skies, cold breeze

10th (Thursday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
Myle texted shots of the girls wearing sunglasses, [Hi
Uncle Richard]. Silvia back from Mexico, telling me Buddy
is not doing well, & has lost weight

11th (Friday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Catz]
'Richard?' I look up to see [   ] who was wearing a
black cloth mask. I was having trouble understanding her,
speaking in a low voice, through a mask, & talking a mile
a minute, for half an hour at least. Intriguing girl at
the liquor store, with a tiger tatooed on her arm

12th (Saturday)   [Frangelica in the Year of the Cat]
Showing Silvia the two portraits of Anna & the first Fran
portrait. Remembered her co-worker but couldn't recall
Fran. Text from Fran this afternoon, [You have a brilliant
way of capturing my soul every time you create my portrait...

13th (Sunday)
Heavy rain in the pre-dawn

14th (Monday)
Met [   ] again at VPL, who kept breaking down
in tears as we chatted

16th (Wednesday)
Sent Fran the portrait by UPS

A portrait of Frangelica

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