The Cinnamon Girl

photo collage
May 2023

frangelica atherton

email & text messages   Richard : [Fran]

Fran   so I'm hoping Neil Young's publishing
doesn't sue my ass for using his lyrics in this
collage, but they were so perfect I couldn't resist!
I'm guessing most people's interpretation of 'a
cinnamon girl' would be someone from the west indies
with cinnamon colored skin, or maybe a Scottish girl
with red hair & freckles : but cinnamon being quote
'prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of
years', I'm thinking that whenever I get a text from
you I feel great!! It doesn't get more medicinal than
that!! To me you're everything from the moon
goddess to the cinnamon girl!!

May 16
[Richard I absolutely
adore Cinnamon girl
the way you styled me
in the portrait
surrounded by the
Cinnamon feels so
warm, like a warm
sunny day! I don't think
we've ever spoken
about my cinnamon
addiction. In the fall
and winter my favourite
teas contain Cinnamon,
it lights me up when
I'm feeling cold or a bit
It's amazing how we
connect on so many

[I never want you to
worry about not saying
sorry or anything else,
we have a soul driven
understanding that we
always feel
empathy for each
other. It is an unspoken
bond between us. I am
thinking of your friends
and asking the
universe to surround
them with peace and
I feel a shift coming
and I think you are
totally on point with the
moon, may la luna
move us all out of the
darkness into the light
both physically and
speaking and may she
move our emotions as
she turns the tide.
Sending you a massive
amount of love and
hugs. Thank you
incredibly for

Cinnamon girl, I cried
when I read your email,
your description of me
as a cinnamon girl is
extremely moving!!!]