text messages & emails Richard : [Fran]
June 14
Fran I've been so distracted finishing off
the photo editing that I hadn't checked my inbox
nearly three weeks, so I only just this morning
read your email from May 23
Everything you had to say only strengthens my
belief that you're truly the most magical woman
on earth!!!! and yes I would be honoured to
design your tatoo!!
So 'Frangelica's Cherry Blossom Fantasy' came
together pretty quickly (magical actually). I
couldn't decide which filtered background was
the most intriguing, so I sent all three.
Really curious to know which one you prefer
Working on 'Frangelica's Kitten Litter' was a
total blast because I know how much you love
kittens :) And I'm thinking you have the soul
of a panther: elegant and mysterious
Now that 26 months of photo editing is behind
me I'm focusing on starting the large format
drawings. If we could somehow get together in
July I STRONGLY believe we could do a photo
session that would produce a dozen masterpieces...
at least!! I'm totally convinced of that
The ideas you describe to me are fabulous!!!
I have total faith in your creativity, and
total faith you'll be off the blood thinners
It's a bit chilly, so I'm sending you some
toasty warm healing vibes and endless love
June 17
[Richard I can't pick one, they are all
perfect! From my soul and the bottom of
my heart thank you for being you and
for allowing me to be a part of your
masterpieces. I love that you think I
have the soul of a panther, that's exactly
how I feel on the inside. Nobody
understands me the way you do. When I
first got to Victoria I was working in a
head shop on douglas street. A guy came
in and told me I was a feline in a previous
life. I'd never met him before and I
haven't seen him since. He just came in to
tell me that. I can't believe I forgot the
shoes, I'm so sorry!! I'll start getting
myself into shape and hopefully I can
come over in July. I've decided to stay
permanently with my parents. I don't have
much space but there is a lot of love
Sending lots of love and happy sunshine
vibes x]