Madonnas of the Pink

photo collage
October 2023

frangelica atherton

Link to

la mia Musa [My Forever Muse]

text messages & emails     Richard : [Fran]

Sept 14
[I took this a couple of
weeks ago. My friend
Angels went to see the
Barbie movie so I
wanted to play around
with pink and see what
I could come up with.
It's hard to take a selfie
lying down, I dropped
the phone on my face a
few times]

Fran! You are

Sept 15
[Thank you   do you
remember when
Madonna did the
Blonde Ambition tour
back in the early 90's?
This could be the pink
Ambition tour   lol]

Yes!! I love the color
pink :) and I love u in
pink! This will make an
awesome portrait!!! lol
& sweet dreams

[I'll play around with
more pink ideas. Sweet
dreams, sending lots of
love and peaceful
healing vibes]

Sept 24
Fran   it's always incredible how these collages
come together with such ease!! It's your Magic that
inspires me like nothing else! If you're wondering
about the title, Raphael did a painting called
'Madonna of the Pinks'. The word pink referred to
something other than colour, I can't remember what;
but that title always intrigued me. So I moved the
the s from Pink to Madonna, and it worked out to
perfection! :)
Apparently the forecast is for days of heavy rain!!
Sending healing vibes & love with every raindrop that

Sept 25
[Richard! I am blown away!!! I absolutely love Madonnas
of the Pink! I feel privileged to be alongside Margarita
The portion with my pic looks very 60s/early 70s. You
are utterly incredible :)
I feel so honoured that you used my quotes, I would
love to do more. I'm here for all of it and I'm here

for the journey with you. The leaves are changing
here to that beautiful gold and red colour, it rained
quite a bit today. I'm ready for leg warmers, warm
cups of cocoa, scarves, hats and all the warm
accessories. I'm looking forward to creating lots of
work together for many many years to come. I know you
have surgery on Friday, I will be praying every
second of every minute for you to get through it safely
I am surrounding you with my love, protection and light]