Portrait of Jah'mila

Portrait of Jah'mila   [Girl from Jamaica]

Saunders Waterford, medium

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27th (Sunday)
Yajing badly wants to keep the drawing, which she keeps
calling the 'photo'. Told her she could keep it another
month & then we'll see. Showed Ady photos of Jah'mila
Told me she's probably from West Africa, 'French' she
kept saying

28th (Monday)   [Portrait of Jah'mila]
A dull, sullen sort of day. Talked to Ady tonight
who sounded as tired & listless as I did. Hoping for
some freshening rain tomorrow

7th (Monday)   [Portrait of Jah'mila]
Persian woman at Safeway telling me the website wouldn't
come up for her. A portrait of her wouldn't be a bad idea,
especially a profile. Air heavy, humid, even in the shade

8th (Friday)
Talking to Maggie, telling me about Chinese soup with
ingredients snake, chicken & cat. Also, how I should eat
baby chick embryo, with a little pepper

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