Castaway Shoes (rhinestone heels)

Khadi Rag / medium (22" x 30")
February 2007

Pair of a woman's black shoes

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10th (Saturday)
In the old neighbourhood, walking
along Glen Drive. Huge flock of birds,
hundreds flying onto a large tree. An
impressive little symphony against
the sky streaked with a long vivid
white vapour trail, against a dark
twilight blue

11th (Sunday)   [Still Life : Shoes]
Reading, Statue of Liberty, at Bay
Lougheed Mall. Winter branches, by
the thousands, from the windows in
Skytrain. 'Did you ever find a kidney
for your sister?' Myle : 'Shutup!'
Talking to Ady. Suggested I might be
given bad news about Myle, after
Valentine's Day. 'Don't even go
there,' she replied with that nice
African accent. Email from Lani, who
loved the seahorse

12th (Monday)   [Still Life : Shoes]
Talking to Heather, on the phone

13th (Tuesday)   [Still Life : Shoes]
Dark grey overcast, then a heavy
shower, & bright sunshine

14th (Wednesday)   [Still Life : Shoes]
Watched a replay of the Colts/Patriots

15th (Thursday)
Victoria at Sinclair. Asked her if
she'd seen many movies, which turned
out to be one in her whole lifetime
(which was 'Titantic') Saw 'Venus'
with Heather, at 5th Ave. Tea around
the corner, & then Ming Wo's,
furniture store, grocery, bakery,
& Safeway on 4th. At sunset, lovely
billowing clouds, pinks, greys, &
blues along the North Shore mtns
At dusk the glass towers shimmering
silvery blue, from Granville Bridge

16th (Friday)
Grey, dark. Resumed work on website

17th (Saturday)
Good documentary, 'Game Over : Gary
Kasparov & the Machine'. Talking to

18th (Sunday)
Book on Cantor called 'Mystery of
the Aleph'