text messages Richard : [Fran]
Apr 9
[The first 3 months of
this year have been brutal
Sending lots and lots
of love, I miss you!]
Fran whether it's the
effects of the New
Moon or the Eclipse
happening, just a few
minutes before I got
your text I felt a strong
emotion about hearing
from you... We really do
have an amazing
connection. These past
few months I could feel
you were in pain, but that
you needed your privacy. All
I could do was respect that
and hope & pray you'd be ok
For me, these past few months
I've done good work, but at
the same time, on a deep
emotional level, I've felt
like it's been spinning out
of control. For all that
I still believe you will be ok,
and that we'll create art
together again... miss you
too... so much
[I love you so much,
thank you for being you]
Nothing means more to me
sweet dreams :)
[Thank you for holding
space for me to break
down, and come back
together again]
[Do you think maybe we
balance each other out
and when one of us is
off so is the other?]
We do seem to have
that magical
connection We really
do a magical
connection with a
magical woman
[So happy we have each
other Richard, I don't
know what I'd do
without you. The whole
time I was breaking
down I wanted to talk
to you but I didn't know
how to describe what I
was going thru. It's
like my brain went
completely wonky on
me. Then I started
smoking weed again two
weeks ago and I've
thawed back to a
normal state or at least
fairly close to normal]
May that blessed herb
keep working its
magic!! and I can't wait
to do another portrait of you
Apr 12
Fran hope & pray that
you're continuing to
feel better, that
Marley's weed is
continuing to help I
seriously believe
there's a strain out
there that will do
wonders, that we need
to find for you! I'm
putting up some new
pics in my apt this
weekend. After they're
arranged I'll send u a
pic. You look fabulous
in them all! and they're
proof of how special
you really are!!
Sending you healing
zen vibes thru the early
morning rain and
much love
[Richard I'm getting
stronger with every
moment. I am mentally
almost back to my
strong self. Thank you
for being you, for
checking on me and for
being there for me!
Mary Jane is definitely
helping in a big way, I
feel like myself again
I'm going to take some
pics for you this
weekend how are
you doing? Sending
lots of love, light, hugs
and zenness to you
I'm absolutely
convinced you'll be
even better than ok
and that we'll be
creating fabulous art
together again soon! :)
have an awesome (but
relaxing) weekend
[Yah!!! We made it
thru the summer
Richard can't wait too
and that we'll be
creating fabulous art
together again soon! :)
have an awesome (but
relaxing) weekend]
[Richard, I think we
should do something
Something that will get
the people talking
What do you think?]
Fran yes!! I think our
next photo session will
be epic!! I'll put
together a few ideas
that I'll send to your
email, & I know you
have fabulous ideas
too Totally excited
about the possibilities!!!!
oh btw I still want to
do 'Frangelica's Heels'
I've been sitting on an
idea for months and I
promise ti would be
epic!! Hoping you have
sweet (and creative)
Apr 17
Fran hope & pray that
you're still feeling
stronger every day!
Which means more to
me than anything! So
I put these prints of you
on the wall opposite
my computer
Every time I look up
from the screen and
see you I feel inspired
There's way too much
more here to fit into a
text; but before the end
of the week I'll be
sending u an email
with a ton of stuff for
you to check out. Till
then, sending you a
steady flow of healing
zen vibes, and much
[Richard I'm taking a
little time off work. I owe
you a pair of heels. I will
send them to you this week
How's your week going so far?
I bet Spring is looking
gorgeous in
Vancouver. How I miss
Sending lots of love
hugs and green spring
healing light]
Fran so glad to hear
your body & mind
getting some much
needed time to heal &
re-energize :) Thinking
of you today walking
under that canopy of
pink blossoms along
Bute street Sending u
some colorful pics
soon as it rains
[I took this at 6am outside
of work a couple of weeks ago
It brings me so much joy to
look at]
Fran so I put together
this collage for you
this morning There's
a lot of ways to
interpret this image,
and it's all positive!
Anyway, there's so
much more to say,
and so many other
ideas, that I'll send to
your email sometime
this weekend
Sending you a steady
stream of april fresh
creative & healing
vibes and much love
Apr 19
Fran so I put together
this collage for you
this morning There's a
lot of ways to interpret
this image,
and it's all positive!
Anyway, there's so many other
ideas, that I'll send to your
email sometime this weekend
Sending you a steady stream
of April fresh
creative & healing
vibes & and much love
Apr 20
Happy 420 Richard!!!!!!! this
collage is absolutely beautiful
and spot one! Nothing like a
solar eclipse, mercury
retrograde and new blossoms
gingerly stepping into the
brisk spring time air, to make
the vibes a bit weird lol. I
just want to tunnel down into
the earth and nap. How's your
Saturday going?