That Girl from Manchester

photo collage
May 2024

frangelica atherton

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That Girl from Baghdad...?

That Girl from Hong Kong... ?!

email   Richard : [Fran]

Richard   wow!!!!!!!! This is amazing :o! I am over the moon
ok here we go

1.   Love this pic exactly as it is. It's a great contrast, 2
very different times, as if I'm acknowledging the past,
thanking it for the lessons and move forward with

2.   We can still do factory work, there's got to be some
abandoned places we can shoot in. When I was a rambunctious 15
year old, I would say I was at a friend's place for the weekend
but in actual fact we were in abandoned warehouses and factories
of Manchester, high as a kite, raving all night long. I love
this one so much

3.   Those kids from Manchester! They could be my parents
and their siblings playing in the street. They dressed so well,
even though they are from working class families, the kids were
well put together

4.   So this is the big one for me. I just sent it to my
Mum via text and she started cheering. Looks like I'm the
manager and my team is behind me. My attitude here is "best win
tonite boys so we all get paid." Mum says "thank you so much
Richard. I never thought id see her in this line up!"

What if we put your name out there, have you thought about
having an Instagram go post your work?

I am possessed with this beautiful body of work :) thank you so
much Richard. Thank you for choosing me as your muse!

Sending lots of love, hugs, green chill vibes and warm yellow
spring sunshine