text messages Richard : [Fran]
July 14
So the paper's up & I'm
getting ready to start
'Frangelica's Heelz'
Gonna be in a kind of
sepia tone & have a
film noir feel to it Hope
this is the beginning of
a whole series of still
lifes... Frangelica's
July 19
Fran so I'm starting
the third day of work on
the outline of your shoe
drawing Took this pic
at 4am this morning
I'm aiming for a kind of
film noir feel in sepia
tones There's a lot
more I'll be adding to
this, but I thought you
might like seeing a sort
of sneak preview
July 22
Your drawing is
coming along nicely :)
here's another peek at
it (part of it at the
July 26
Your shoe
drawing is coming
along beautifully!
Might even be finished
before the Saturna trip
July 27
[I'm so excited to see
the shoe drawing I
have huge feet]
July 30
Finishing off your
shoe drawing today! I'll
photograph it tomorrow
morning & text you a
pic It's looking
July 31
I'm looking at the
'Frangelica's Heelz'
drawing just now
Wow! I have to admit
I'm kinda happy with
this one :)
[Richard there hasn't
been a piece I don't
adore I can't wait to
see it!! We are going to
have a blast tomorrow,
we can drive around
and go anywhere]
Aug 5
Fran I'm distressed
that you've been feeling
ill :( I was feeling kind
of strange the last
couple of days, and I'm
thinking it's that
connection between us
again Feeling much
better today :)
Sending you anti-virus
healing vibes across
the water, and later
today the 'Frangelica's
Heelz' drawing Which
I think turned out
fabulous!! :)
Aug 6
Fran quite happy with
how the drawing turned
out :) even your shoes
bring out the best in me
as an artist!! It has
less an edgy than a
dreamy, film noir feel to
it. Very 'Parisian
Evening' i think. I'm
saving edgy for
'Aphrodite's Heelz'!
Hope & pray that you're
feeling better! Sending
you cool, soothing
vibes & much love
Aug 8
So the 'Frangelica's
Heelz' drawing is
getting great reviews! :)
I tell them 'it's all in
the Muse.'
Aug 11
Richard the shoes are
my favourite!! You
absolutely smashed
So vintage
I'm still not feeling
good. Can't get enough
sleep. How are you
16th (Tuesday)
Muggy afternoon, worst of the year
17th (Wednesday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Sent Fran the 'Pair of Queens', & described
how the shelf in my closet collapsed middle
of the night. Replied [...are you ok?] [I am
obsessed with the Queen cards. I look like
the Evil Queen and I love that] Finished
'My Life in Dire Straits'. Work on webpages
18th (Thursday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Exchanging texts with Fran, that began,
'Oooooh that's a great title!!...] Work on
19th (Friday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Text from Elizabeth, [Hey Richard, fire works
tomorrow, don't leave your house in the
evening Lol] Work on webpages
20th (Saturday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Work on webpages
21st (Sunday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Some nice drama at the British Open at Troon,
won by Schaufflee. Work on webpages
22nd (Monday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Text from Fran, [1 week today Richard Still
trying to finish the damn song How are
you doing] Work on webpages
23rd (Tuesday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Text from Eve, [Yeah it's crazy hot
Especially upstairs. So I packed all my stuff
and moved into the freezing cold basement...]
Work on webpages
24th (Wednesday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Text from Fran, [I'm dying to know what weird
things keep happening. Ghostly things are
happening at my place] Work on webpages
25th (Thursday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Talking with Elizabeth on the phone, who was
about to head off to Shannon Falls, with her
niece & sister. Text from Fran, [I'm so
sorry Richard!! My music producer is fighting
for his life rn. He's been a big brother to
me for 8 years. I'm sorry you felt my weird
emotions.] Stopped by Hastings for some weed
& had the usual intriguing conversation with
Renatta, who had just spent a week in Philly;
and showing me shots of an elegant interior of
a house in St John's, & pictures of various
antiques. We (3 of us) had an interesting
sort of confrontation, in the store, with a
shoplifter covered in tatooes. Enjoyable
conversation at DavidsTea with a girl from
Eduador. Work on webpages
26th (Friday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Text from Fran, [They're taking him off life
support today Richard. This year is wild!!
He will never get to hear the last song we
27th (Saturday) [Frangelica's Heelz]
Exchanging texts with Fran, & setting a date
(Aug 1) for the Saturna trip [Yah!!!! Let's
do Thursday I'll get there super early...]
Gallery 501